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Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s coming into the world Lk. 2:10-12. It marks the gift of God, embodied in Jesus Christ. Understanding why Christ came is crucial for us to truly benefit from Christmas Psa. 119:144. Without this understanding, Christmas can become merely a religious ceremony, offering little more than excitement Pro. 21:16.
Why Did Jesus Christ Come to the World?
- To bring salvation to mankind.
Through Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden, humanity fell into sin and bondage Rms. 8:20-22. Christ came to save us from this bondage Mat. 1:21; Jn. 3:36.
- To restore joy to mankind.
Before man was created, the earth was a place of sorrow Rev. 12:12. Christ came to provide access joy amidst life challenges Lk. 2:10; 1Pet. 1:8.
- To bring peace to humanity.
the earth is fraught with troubles Jn. 16:33. The coming of Christ established peace for humanity Lk. 2:14; Jn. 14:27.
- To restore divine presence to man.
Divine presence was lost through man’s transgression Gen. 3:23-24. Christ came to restore our access to God’s presence Isa. 7:14; Mat. 28:20.
- To give man life at its best.
After the fall, humanity lived below God’s intended quality of life Gen. 3:16,17-19. Christ came to offer abundant life Jn. 10:10; Gal. 3:13-14.
- To destroy the works of the devil.
all negativity, which include sickness, disease, poverty, failure, and all forms of oppressions, come from the devil Mat. 13:27-28. Christ came to dismantle these evil works 1Jn. 3:8; Acts 10:38; Isa. 53:1-4.
- To restore the supernatural back to mankind.
Humanity lost its supernatural capacity at the fall. Christ came to empower us to reclaim that ability Jn. 3:8; Mk. 16:15-17.
How to Enjoy the Blessings of the Coming of Christ.
- Receive Christ as Lord and Savior
participating in church activities is not enough, one must accept His gifts, this is the person of Jesus Christ Jn. 1:12; 3:3-5.
- Believe is the provisions of redemption.
We must accept that Christ promises are valid and expect them to manifest in our lives Isa. 53:1-4. They include power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing Rev. 5:12.
- Engage the obedience of faith to His word.
God’s instruction must be followed to qualify for His provisions Deu. 28:1-2; Jn. 2:5. For instance, one must repent from sin to be saved Acts 2:37-38, believe to be healed Isa. 53:1-4; Mat. 9:27-29, give to prosper Lk. 6:38; 2Cor. 9:6-8, continue to seek first God’s kingdom to flow in favor Psa. 102:13-15; Mat. 6:33, and make demands for our rights through prayer to take delivery of them Mat. 7:11; Mk. 11:24; Jms. 4:2.
In conclusion, God has provided everything for a glorious life, both here on earth and hereafter Jn. 3:16. Christ came to fulfil God’s plans for our lives 1Jn. 3:8. If anyone is not experiencing this glorious life, it may be due to their lack of compliance to necessary instruction.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me.”
- Father, in the name of Jesus, endow me with the grace for obedience to the demands for me to enjoy all the benefits of your coming to the earth 28:1-2.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I command that all the redemptive rights shall become the reality of my life from now 5:12.
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God’s presence is what makes all the difference in person’s life. It empowers individuals to make the most of their time on earth and hereafter Psa. 127:1-2; Jn. 15:5; 1Cor. 3:6. From scripture, we understand that holiness guarantees to God’s presence and divine intervention Amos 3:3; Heb. 12:14; Rev. 4:8. How Beautiful or Glorious is […]
Salvation is God’s call into the life of glory and beauty Rms. 8:28-30; 2Pet. 1:3. Scripture states categorically that at the root of glory and beauty is holiness Exo. 15:11; Psa. 96:9. Holiness is not a gift but a spiritual virtue, demanding our exercise 1Tim. 4:8. Therefore, we need a good understanding of how to […]
A core wonder of the altar of prayer and fasting is express answer to prayers Isa. 58:6,9. When the prayer and fasting altar is engaged in the scriptural way, it transforms the believer into a wonder being Exo. 34:28-35; Dan. 2:12-19,46; 6:10,21-22; Lk. 9:28-35. Therefore, prayer and fasting are not burdens but blessings to the […]
Prayer and fasting are commandments of God to every believer, as found in scriptures Isa. 58:6; Mat. 6:6-7,17-18. While these are commandments, they are not burdens but blessings of unfathomable dimension Jer, 23:33-40. Though Prayer and fasting come at a cost, this cost pales in comparison to the glory in return Psa. 63:1-3; 2Cor. 4:17. […]
Praise God for the coming of Christ; “.. for this reason the son of man has come, to destroy the works of the devil..”
Glory glory!!!
Always refreshed by teachings on this page. I pray more grace for God’s servant, in Jesus name!