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by admin
Sanctification simply means separation from every ungodly and whatever defile to a life that is pleasing to God Isa. 52:11; Rev. 18:4. Sanctification is a commandment of God to all believers, which means it is a vital requirement for access to God’s blessing Jn. 17:10; Deu. 28:1-2. Sanctification is a choice each believer has to make, and not a gift that is imparted Deu. 30:19; Mat. 5:6.
Pathway to Sanctification.
In essence, the responsibilities that empowers for sanctified life when embraced by the believer.
- Engage in self-purging.
Purging means to get rid of an undesirable thing through application of force. For sanctification, the believer must not watch ungodliness in and around his life, he is to get rid of them by applying the forces of the kingdom 2Tim. 2:19-21; 1Jn. 3:3.
- Engage the power of testimonies.
Testimonies are very powerful; they have the capacity to secure victory for the believer over every enemy including sin when effectively engaged Rev. 12:11; Psa. 119:111. Check for the testimony of anyone who has overcome for what he did, believe the testimony, engage in what he did, and your victory also is guaranteed,
- Mortify the deeds of the flesh through the Spirit.
Mortify means to control by self-denial, thereby putting to shame. In essence, the believer can overcome the motions of the flesh simply by engaging in self-denial, refuse to satisfy the urge for sin Dan. 1:8. The believer can only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit Rms. 8:13; Col. 3:5-6,13.
- Engage the power of faith.
Faith is the fundamental force with which we overcome the enemy, sin is the number one enemy of the believer Eph. 6:16; 1Jn. 5:4. In essence, to overcome sin and live the life of sanctification that pleases God, the believer must build his faith Heb. 11:6; Rms. 10:17.
Benefits of Sanctification.
Sanctification is God’s commandment, and every commandment has the benefits the enjoys when obeyed Deu. 28:1-2.
- It secures supernatural rescue when under attack.
Sanctification guarantees divine covering against all assault of the enemy 1Pet. 3:13. In essence, when the believer walks in sanctification, no evil is permitted to touch him Psa. 125:1-3; 34:7,19; Job 1:1,9-10.
- It engenders peace and security.
Ungodliness exposes a man to every storm in life, thereby robbing the believer of enjoying peace in life Isa. 59:8. Therefore, righteousness secures unperturbable peace for the believer Isa. 32:17-18; Pro. 28:1.
- it engenders access to divine secret.
Great men are product of secrets; one secret of God will turn the believer into a global personality Dan. 2:19,23-30; Gen. 41:38-44. Righteousness is the believer’s access to the secret of God Psa. 25:14; Dan. 1:8.
- It secures supernatural supplies.
Righteousness makes God to become committed to the believer’s life, which makes God to supply all his needs Psa. 33:18-19; 37:18-19; Isa. 3:10.
- It procures generational blessings.
Righteousness invokes God, with the result of outpouring of His blessing on the believer’s life Psa. 112:1-3; Gen. 22:16-18. Remember, whatever God does endure, hence the blessing that righteousness procures is generational Ecc. 3:14; Pro. 20:7.
- It secures eternity with Christ.
The scriptures make it clear that ungodliness will deny any man from experiencing eternity with Christ Eph. 5:5-8; 1Cor. 6:9-11; Mat. 7:22-23. In essence, to qualify for eternity with Christ one must embrace the walk of sanctification.
Cost of Ungodliness.
In essence, what a man will experience in return for indulging in the life of sin.
- It blocks access to God’s presence.
God’s presence is what makes all the difference in the life of men on the earth Acts 10:38. Sanctification will secure for the believer God presence, while sin disconnect from His presence Psa. 15:1-5; 101:7; Heb. 12:14.
- It blocks access to divine favor.
Favor makes the difference between struggle and breakthrough in life Exo. 3:21; Psa. 30:5. Sanctification has the guarantee to produce favor, while sin will block from experiencing favor Psa. 5:12; Gen. 39:5; 41:38-44.
- It engenders untimely death.
The ultimate return that sin brings into the life of man is death Ezk. 18:20-24; Rms. 6:23. In essence, every time a man commits sin, something dies in him, when he keeps at committing sin, he is at the risk of dying before his time Jer. 17:10-11; Jms. 1:13-15.
Answer to Sin.
Repentance is the only solution for sin Acts 2:37-38. Repentance means:
- To acknowledge one’s sin 1:8.
- To be sorry for one’s life of sin 7:10.
- To openly confess and seek God for forgiveness 1:9-10.
- To forsake it 5:14; 8:11.
In conclusion, you can overcome sin and live a sanctified life the remaining days of your life! When you make the choice, the power to walk in the reality of it is released and the rest will be your testimony Deu. 30:19.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me; on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you, Jesus, for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I make the choice for the life of, and to walk in victory of sin from now 30:19.
- Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the grace to walk in the pathway of sanctification from today and the rest of my life 15:10.
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An interesting sermon