by admin


by admin


The scriptures make us to understand that the believer, by new birth, was translated from a human to a spirit being, which means he no longer belongs to the natural but supernatural realm Col. 1:13-14; Jn. 3:6-8. In essence, the supernatural is not supposed to be strange to the believer, or what he seeks after, rather, it is now to be his normal day-to-day experience Isa. 8:18. The believer has to be trained for the life of signs and wonders to become his experience.

What is a Sign or the Supernatural?

  1. A sign can be defined as an act that cannot be explained by natural laws, yet cannot be denied.

In essence, any occurrence that defy all natural, scientific, philosophical explanation is a sign Acts 4:16-17; Heb. 11:29,32-33.

  1. A sign is a strange acts of God that causes men to wonder.

In essence, a sign is God at work, which will always be beyond the comprehension, imagination, and capacity of men’s reasoning Isa. 28:21-22; Dan. 3:17-24; Zch. 3:8.

This is the life the believer is designed to live on the earth. These are responsibilities that the believer will experience and must embrace.

How to Operate in the Supernatural?

  1. Engage the power of bold declaration.

Boldness means open declaration of one’s faith, without any doubt in the heart Mk. 11:23.

How bold declaration works to deliver signs.

  1. What the believer says moves God to work always.

The scriptures make us to understand that what the believer says is what God responds to do Num. 14:28; Isa. 44:26. Whenever God is at work, signs are the product Psa. 118:23.

  1. Faith always stirs God to manifest.

Every time God sees faith, He responds to do whatever the believer has expressed faith for Mk. 2:5; Mat. 9:27-29. Remember, when God works, signs are the product Psa. 118:23.

  • Bold declaration is expressing faith in spoken words.

The believer is engaging two covenant forces of spoken words and faith when he makes bold declarations that will individually move God to work. On this account, bold declaration guarantees the delivery of signs and wonders any time, any day Job 22:28; Acts 14:3.

Scriptural examples of men who enjoyed signs through bold declaration.

  1. The three Hebrew boys 3:17-28.
  2. David 17:32-50.
  • Paul Acts 13:8-12.

Help for Boldness.

The Holy Spirit is ordained to empower the believer with boldness, thereby enabling him for bold declaration Acts 4:29-33. We saw Peter was emboldened after the Holy Spirit came upon him on the day of Pentecost Mat. 26:69-75; Acts 2:4,14-19,37-41.

In conclusion, stop waiting for when God will give you that desired miracle, you may wait all your life like the man at the pool of Bethesda Jn. 5:1-5. Instead, accept the responsibility to make your miracles happen, and you will move God to deliver it right now.

To anyone reading this who would love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me; on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you, Jesus, for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen!”


  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue me with the grace to embrace the demands of bold declaration for generating my sign and miracle from now 15:10.
  2. Father, in the name of Jesus, from today signs and wonders become the order of the day in my life 8:18.


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      Dear Sile,
      Calvary greetings.
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      God bless you as we anticipate this, and we implore you to keep visiting our site.

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      God bless you as we anticipate this, and we implore you to keep visiting our site.

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      We appreciate the feedback from you, we are certain that you were blessed by it.
      We want to encourage you to keep visiting, and commit to read our daily teaching on this site. They are God’s word, which promises great transformation as we give ourselves to the practice of same.
      God bless you.

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      We appreciate the feedback from you, we are certain that you were blessed by it.
      We want to encourage you to keep visiting, and commit to read our daily teaching on this site. They are God’s word, which promises great transformation as we give ourselves to the practice of same.
      God bless you.

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    • admin October 27, 2024 at 6:30 pm - Reply

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      We are glad to have you visit our site, and for the feedback.
      We would be glad to have your feedback in English Language, it is the language we would be able to appreciate the things you communicated, learn and build relationship with you.
      God bless you as we anticipate this, and we implore you to keep visiting our site.

    • admin October 27, 2024 at 6:30 pm - Reply

      Calvary greetings.
      We are glad to have you visit our site, and for the feedback.
      We would be glad to have your feedback in English Language, it is the language we would be able to appreciate the things you communicated, learn and build relationship with you.
      God bless you as we anticipate this, and we implore you to keep visiting our site.

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