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by admin
God ordained man for dominion on the earth Gen. 1:28. Our emphasis this month has been dominion over sickness and disease. This is vital because sickness and disease are devourers, out to destroy the blessing of God in the believer’s life Lk. 8:43-45; Job 33:21-25. Remember, the blessing of God makes for life on the earth, when it is devoured man becomes robbed of his destiny. Therefore, sickness and disease are enemies of man and must be dwelt with to fulfil destiny. This is why among others, God ordained the believer, particularly in these last days to walk in dominion over sickness and disease Psa. 110:1-3; Dan. 7:25-27.
Spirit behind Sickness and Disease.
Identifying the cause of sickness and disease is essential for the believer to walk in dominion over them.
- The spirit of whoredom.
The scriptures identify the spirit known as the spirit of whoredom Hos. 5:4. This is behind every sexual immorality and perversion, which is the only sin scriptures recognize as done against one’s body 1Cor. 6:18-20. In essence, sexual sin does damage to the body resulting in sickness and disease 1Cor. 10:8; Rms. 6:23.
- The spirit of heaviness.
The scriptures also identify the spirit known as the spirit of heaviness Isa. 61:3. This spirit robs the believer of joy, which result in sorrow, a downcast heart resulting in sicknesses and diseases Pro. 17:22; 18:14. From scriptures, we understand that joy is a vital requirement for the believer to walk in dominion over sickness and disease Neh. 8:10; Php. 4:4.
Our Weapons for Dominion over Sickness.
One of the prescriptions of scriptures for dominion over the spirit behind sickness and disease is the anointing oil Mk. 6:7-8,12-13; Jms. 5:14-15. The anointing oil is a mystery of God’s kingdom, though delivered in the Old Testament but ordained for effectiveness all through generations Mk. 4:11; Exo. 30:21-30,31.
How Anointing with Oil Empowers for Dominion over Sickness and Disease.
- The anointing oil is a spiritual medium through which the Holy Spirit manifests.
In the anointing oil resides the person of the Holy Spirit, which manifest every time the anointing oil is administered 1Sam. 16:13. The Holy Spirit establish liberty from sickness and disease 2Cor. 3:17.
- The anointing oil communicates the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead.
The scriptures make us to understand that Jesus was brought out of the grave by the Spirit of God Rms. 8:11. We have one spirit, the Holy Spirit, this is the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the same that is in the anointing oil Eph. 4:4-5; 1Sam. 16:13. In essence, when the oil is placed on a believer, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead comes on the believer to quicken the believer’s body Rms. 8:11b.
What is in the Anointing Oil that that Heals?
- The healing power of God.
Every time the anointing oil is administered, the power of God is released to clear off every sickness and disease Mk. 6:7,12-13; Mat. 10:1; Jms. 5:14-15.
- The Spirit of the Lord that destroys yoke.
The Spirit of God in the anointing oil is the power of God that destroys yokes 1Sam. 16:13; Isa. 10:27. In essence, when the oil is administered every yoke is crushed.
- The Spirit of the Lord that sets captives free.
The Spirit of God in the oil is the power of God that destroys captivity to set the captive free 1Sam. 16:13; Lk. 4:18.
- The Spirit of the Lord that exempts from all evil.
When the Spirit of God in the anointing oil comes on the believer, every assault of the wicked is averted and silenced Psa. 105:13-15; Eph. 1:13.
- The restoration power of God.
One mission of the Holy Spirit when invoked on the believer is to restore all things that is the rights of the believer, which either he has lost or denied Rev. 5:12; Joel 2:23-27; Jer. 30:17. When the believer receives the anointing oil with this understanding, he invokes the supernatural restorations in his life.
- Resurrection power of God that brings back to life all dying and dead organ in the body.
The Spirit of God is the life-giver Gen. 2:7; Jn. 6:63. When the Holy Spirit is invokes on the believer, the body of that believer is quickened or receive life, making whatever was dead or dying to come alive Eph. 1:19-20; Rms. 8:11; Mat. 10:7-8; 6:3-5. This is what happens when the anointing oil comes on a believer.
- The oil of joy ad gladness that engenders health and vitality.
The Holy Spirit in the anointing oil is described in scriptures as the oil (or Spirit) of joy and gladness Psa. 45:7; Isa. 61:1,3. In essence, the anointing oil enables the believer to experience joy unspeakable 1Pet. 1:8. This will result in health, strength, and vitality Neh. 8:10; Pro. 17:22; 18:14.
- The vengeance power of God that brings an end to the wickedness of the wicked against our lives and destiny.
One aspect of the person of the Holy Spirit is judgment of the wicked Isa. 61:1-3; 63:4; Acts 10:38. Every time the Holy Spirit manifest, the wicked come under God’s judgment. When the enemy is judged, the believer enjoys his liberty. This is what happens when the anointing oil is administered by faith.
- The mystery of the fan and fire that destroys sickness and disease.
The Spirit of God in the oil is both fan and fire Mat. 3:11-12. His mission is to gather all that is against the destiny of the believer through His fan when He released via the oil on the believer, and burn them off with His fire Mat. 15:13.
In conclusion, the believer is fully armed by God against the forces of sickness and disease to walk in absolute dominion 2Cor. 10:4-5. But what we see is that some believers are still victim Psa. 78:9. The reason is because of lack of the understanding and faith in what God has provided for their walk in dominion Psa. 82:5-7. As for you today, you shall walk in dominion in life from today.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for
- Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the understanding of my dominion over sickness and disease you have given me today 2Cor. 2:14.
- Father in the name of Jesus, help me faith in the mystery of the anointing oil right thereby cause it to answer with power in my life from today Mk. 9:24.
- Father in the name of Jesus, by your power via the mystery of the oil destroy every sickness and disease in anyone’s life right now Mk. 6:7,12-13.
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