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We are in the last days; the days that precedes the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to the earth Acts 1:10-11. The church of Christ in the last day sis ordained to walk in dominion in all spheres of life, despite the wickedness that will characterize the last days Psa. 110:1-3; Dan. 7:25-27. One area of life that the dominion of the saints is vital is over sickness and disease Isa. 33:24. The understanding of the cause of sickness and our covenant weapons are essential to experience dominion over sickness, disease and affliction Psa. 119:144.

Spirit behind Sickness and Disease.

Often, behind every sickness is a spirit at work. Some of them are:

  1. The spirit of fear.

Fear is a spirit, not a mood or issue of situation 2Tim. 1:7. The spirit of fear opens the door for what one is afraid of to happen; this is how many come under the affliction of sickness and disease Job 3:24-25. The good news is that a believer has been delivered from the Spirit of fear, hence he is ordained to dominate over sickness and disease Heb. 2:14-15.

  1. The spirit of infirmity.

There is the spirit of infirmity, when it afflicts the individual becomes deformed in his body Lk. 13:11-16; Acts 3:2-7. The believer has been licensed with the name of Jesus to exercise dominion over all spirits, including the spirit of infirmity, thereby walk in dominion over every form of deformity Php. 2:9-11.

Our Weapons for Dominion over Sickness.

  1. The word of God is the guarantee of believer’s dominion in life Jn. 1:1-5; Heb. 1:3.

When the believer lay hold on God’s word in any area of life, his dominion in that area of life is established. In essence, for our dominion over sickness and disease to become a reality, we simply need encounter with God’s word on healing, health and wholeness.

How the Word Empowers for Dominion over Sickness and Disease.

  1. God’s word is the balm in Gilead.

While Jesus Christ is the great physician, His word is His main prescription for dominion over sickness, disease and affliction Jer. 8:20-21; Psa. 107:20; Mat. 8:16-17; 9:12-13.

  • The light of God’s word empowers believers for health.

Inside God’s word is life, when the believer accesses this life it turns to light Jn. 1:4. When the light of God’s word break forth in a believer, his health springs up speedily no matter the situation Isa. 58:8; Pro. 4:20-22.

  • The word transmits divine nature.

God’s word carries God’s nature in it, and can transmit it to the believer 2Pet. 1:4. The nature of God is immune to sickness and disease; hence it empowers the believer for dominion over sicknesses and diseases Isa. 40:28.

What is in the Word that makes it to Heal?

  1. The word is medicinal.

In God’s word are spiritual medicaments like antibacterial, antiviral, retroviral, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, essential vitamins and minerals etc. Job 33:21-25; Pro. 4:20-22.

  • The word is surgical.

God’s word has the capacity to penetrate the body, work on a damaged part, to bring healing and health Heb. 4:12; Jn. 1:1-3; Gen. 1:17-18. The good thing is that the surgical procedure by God’s word is painless and perfect.

  • The word is creative.

When the damage is beyond repair, God’s word has capacity to make a new one to replace that which is damaged Gen. 1:1-31; Mat. 9:27-29; Acts 3:6-9.

  • The word is prophetic.

By being prophetic it means, whatever God’s word says is what will come to pass no matter the situation Ezk. 37:1-14; 2Pet. 1:23.

  • The word quickens our human body.

To quicken means to give life. In essence, God’s word has the capacity to give life to the body, thereby making the body healthy, strong and full of vigor Jn. 6:63; Isa. 58:8.

The Way to Access to what is in the Word.

  1. Study and meditate on the word 2Tim. 4:13,15.
  2. Practice the word Jos. 1:8.

In conclusion, whatever is the health challenge you are faced with, God’s word guarantee your dominion over it. All that the believer need is to sit with the word until the Holy Spirit deliver the appropriate scripture to you.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your love and the provision for my total health 1Cor. 6:20.
  2. Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit to engage in your word, and access my dominion over sickness and disease Jn. 5:39.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, I decree the power of the word, I am walking in health and wholeness henceforth Mat. 8:17.

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