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Marriage is ordained by God to bring fulfilment to man Gen. 2:18,25. It is fulfilment in marriage that results into fulfilment in other areas of life Gen. 1:28. This is why the target of the devil is the marital destiny of believers.
Satan’s Operations Against Fulfilment of Marital Destiny.
One thing that makes many believers cheap victim to the enemy is ignorance of the enemy’s devices 2Cor. 2:11; Matt. 13:28. What are the enemy’s devices against the marriage of believers?
- Marital delay Eccl. 3:1-11.
The devil works to make the believer miss his appointed time of stepping into the covenant of marriage, and this is to make it hard for him to ever experience fulfilment marriage again. But when one walks in the covenant of marital fulfilment, the believer can never miss his time. For those that think they have missed their time, the good news is that God is a God of second opportunity.
- Wrong choice of partner Gen. 2:23.
When the wrong choice is made in marriage, life begins to be wrong from thereafter. With the covenant, the believer is guaranteed to make a right choice. Also, the covenant has solution for those that think they have made wrong choice and are in marriage already.
- Marital unrest and crisis Pro. 31:10-12.
Rest in marriage is the foundation to rest in life; so the enemy keeps throwing assaults at marriages to make the believer not to experience rest in life. The good news again is that there is the guarantee of rest when we walk in the covenant of marital fulfilment Matt. 11:28-29.
- Separation and divorce Matt. 19:4-6; Mal. 2:14-16.
Marriage is the fusion of two separate individuals to become one; any attempt to separate them into two thereafter will only destroy the two individuals. Illustration: when two separate sheets of papers are glued or gummed together, and they are tried to be separated after. You cannot get them to be like they were before they were gummed. The good news is that God can put together any broken marriage.
Covenant Keys to Fulfilment in Marital Destiny.
- Remain in love with God Rms. 8:28l Jn. 14:21.
When God’s love is established in a believer, everything about his life (marriage inclusive) will begin to work towards his fulfilment. Love for God will always position he believer to locate or be located by the right partner, operate in divine time, do what is right to experience marital peace. Love for God means love for whatever God loves 1Jn. 3:18. God loves His house Psa. 87:2; His word Psa. 138:2; the salvation of lost souls Jn. 3:16; our passion towards them is the proof of God’s love in our life.
- Commitment to kingdom advancement Matt. 6:33; Exo. 23:25-26.
Our commitment to the advancement of God’s kingdom, commits God to the supply all that our life needs for fulfilment. In essence, every believer that truly desire marital fulfilment is to become committed to church growth.
- Beware of pride Jms. 4:6; 1Cor. 15:10; Pro. 15:33.
Every success and great story in any aspect of life is a product of grace at work, and a basic requirement for grace is humility and meekness. Pride cuts a believer off grace, which results in breakdown, failure and disgrace. Pride is when a lady thinks by her ‘credentials’ there are some brothers that are below her class in marriage. Also, when a man will not listen to the wife’s suggestions because he is the head of the home is pride etc.
- Engage the power of faith 1Jn. 5:14; Eph. 6:16.
We have said that marriage is one target of the devil in every life, everyone that desires breakthrough and fulfilment must learn how to overcome the devil assaults. Faith is the force for victory over ever satanic assaults; and it is simply doing whatever is instructed by God in His word Jn. 2:5. Many believers are losing it in their marriages because they have refused to follow scriptural instruction on marriage.
- Make God your only source of expectation Psa. 16:4; 62:5; Jms. 1:6-7.
Any other alternative to God disconnect the believer from God’s help, and without it man is helpless no matter his effort and who is helping him. When things or people one’s heart secretly or openly trust in are taken away, God’s help will answer and breakthrough will be experienced.
In conclusion, you are not designed to suffer marital breakdown of any kind, all that you need is to re-align to the covenant for your breakthrough.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me.”
- Father in the name of Jesus, I asked for your mercy in every area I have taken wrong steps that has brought me into marital challenges and breakdown Hab. 3:2.
- Father in the name of Jesus, I ask for the grace to do what is right by the covenant of marital fulfilment that will make me to experience my breakthrough in marriage Zch. 4:6-7.
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Eternal Amen