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There is who some are struggling to become, while there is who God has ordained them to be in life. There is what some are sweating to do, while there is what God created them for or to accomplish in life. Life is in identifying who one is ordained to be and what one is created for by God. When money becomes what is pushing a man, he can never be free from mourning in life Pro. 23:4-6. But everyone that pursues after divine plan, end up successful, fulfilling and prosperous.
We have established from scriptures that there are two main ways one can discover God’s plan for one’s life: through revelation from God’s word Psa. 119:105; and the vision of the Lord Hab. 2:1-3. We also said vision is unique and a must for every believer, among other things because it is what will give the necessary details of God’s plan for one’s life.
Why Do we Need Vision?
- Without genuine vision, life remains adventure in frustration Pro. 29:18; Isa. 42:23-24.
The believer is left with guess work without vision; this often leads to costly failure Pro. 14:12; 16:25. Vision gives one precision that will result into success with speed, and fulfilment.
Requirements to Access the Vision for One’s Life.
- One must be meek Psa. 25:9; Num. 12:1-3.
Meekness is the virtue of accepting that one does not know it and the readiness to gain knowledge no matter the price. Until a man has this, God does not speak to or show him anything.
- Create a serene environment Pro. 18:1; 1Kgs. 19:11-12.
One vital requirement to receive instruction from God is quietness, both within and without. It is a thing to consciously build in order to access God’s voice that communicates vision, which is still and small.
Biblical Proofs of a True Vision.
We must test every vision to ascertain that it is genuine and from God 1Ths. 5:21.
- Increasing results as the vision is pursued.
When it is a true vision, one will enjoy result that will keep increasing in intensity as one pursues it 1Kgs. 8:15; Pro. 4:18; Jn. 10:15. When there is no result no matter the effort made, watch it.
- Divine strength.
When one is on divine path, there will be supernatural strength to keep pursuing the vision Joel 2:1-8; 1Kgs. 18:46. But when one is experiencing weakness, and no morale to pursue, watch it.
- Joy on the inside.
Joy indescribable on the inside is a clear indication of being on track with divine plan. When that joy on the inside is absent, watch carefully, one might be off divine path for one’s life.
In conclusion, everyone God created, particularly the believer, is ordained to be great. But one’s greatness is in the plan of God for one’s life. Until one identifies and pursues God’s plan, life will remain a thing to endure.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer loudly with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me and on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you, Jesus, for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me.”
- Father in the name of Jesus, by the help of the Holy Spirit I gain access to the vision of God for my life before this 21-days spiritual adventure is over 1Cor. 2:10.
- Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the empowerment of the Spirit to pursue God’s plan for my life to the end Lk. 4:1.
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