The scriptures make us to understand that what man needs to experience a fulfilled life on the earth is the blessings of God. We see this at the beginning, it was the only thing God released on man to empower him for enviable life Gen. 1:26-28. Also, when Christ came it was the basic thing He introduced to effect the dramatic change in the believer’s life Acts 3:26. But just like every other thing in the kingdom, blessing can only be accessed through the covenant, the covenant of blessing Ezk. 34:25-26.
What is a Covenant?
A covenant by simply definition is doing what was instructed in scriptures, thereby committing God to what He says He will do Jn. 2:3-5,6-12; Jms. 1:22-25. In essence, there are pieces of instruction of God contained in scriptures that when obeyed by the believer, it commits God to release His blessings on the believer’s life Deu. 28:1-14.
What is Unique about the Blessings of God?
God’s blessing is the cure to all kinds of dryness in life Psa. 1:1-3; 112:3,6,9. Anyone that is experiencing dry season is whatever area of his life, need only to secure God’s blessing to come out of it.
God’s blessing can be passed down from parent to offspring as inheritance Psa. 112:2,6; 1:3. This is really what every parent should strive to leave as inheritance for His children Gen. 25:5-6; 27:1-4.
We live in a world of darkness, light is the believers pathway exemption from the horrors of darkness 1Jn. 5:19; Jn. 1:5. From scriptures, we understand that God blessing is what grants believers access to light Psa. 112:1,4.
God’s blessing makes the mind of the believer fertile and sensitive to capture spiritual things Psa. 112:1,5; Num. 5:24-28.
God’s blessing makes the believer indestructible, thereby rendering the enemies and all that he does useless Psa. 112:1,8,10; Isa. 65:8.
Characteristics of Divine Blessing.
Characteristic is from the word “character”, which means characteristic of a thing refer to the character. Character builds confidence and trust when it is right, and vice versa. What are the characters of God’s blessing?
1. Irreversible in nature.
When God blesses an individual, the blessing cannot be taken away or changed by anyone Num. 23:20.
2. Sorrow-free
God’s blessing delivers the believer for experiencing sorrow Pro. 10:22.
3. Compassionate and liberal.
God’s blessings make the believer to become a blessing to others Psa. 112:1,5,9.
4. Fear-free.
The blessing of God has the power to deliver the believer of what makes others to be afraid in life Psa. 112:1,7-8.
5. Confers honor.
The blessing of God makes the believer’s life to command respect beyond his credentials Psa. 112:1,9.
How to come Under the Blessing of God.
Until the sin nature is taken away and the individual established in dominion over sin, access to God’s blessing cannot be obtained Acts 3:26; Gal. 3:13-14. Genuine new birth experience is the first and non-optional step to God’s blessing. And salvation through Christ is the answer to the sin challenge Mat. 1:21.
Obedience to God is a vital requirement to come under God’s blessing Deu. 28:1-2; Psa. 112:1-2; Jms. 1:25. The disobedience many believers is the reason for a blessing-dry life being experienced.
Righteousness means doing the right things by scriptural standard 1Jn. 3:7. Righteousness is a vital demand for access to God’s blessing Psa. 5:12; Pro. 28:20.
Serving God is a scriptural demand that guarantee the release of God’s blessing Exo. 23:25; Deu. 28:47-48; Heb. 3:17-18.
Tithing is returning one-tenth of every financial and material earnings in one’s life back to life Lev. 27:32. The practice of tithing qualifies the believer for God’s blessing Mal. 3:10-11; Heb. 7:5-8.
Giving to promote the advancement of God’s kingdom qualifies the believer for God’s blessing Hag. 1:6-8; Php. 4:18-19.
The prayer altar is the altar of accessing of God’s blessing Gen. 32:26-28. God has committed Himself to deliver whatever the believer will present on the prayer altar, including God’s blessing Mk. 11:24.
The Holy Spirit helps the believer’s access to the deep things of God, and obedience to God’s commandment 1Sam. 2:9,10; Ezk. 36:27. These two things are basic in accessing God’s blessings.
Praise will always invoke the release of supernatural blessings on the believer Psa. 67:5-7. In essence, the life of praise will make the believer to abundant blessing.
Biological parents are vital channel through which God communicates His blessing Gen. 27:3-4,33. The believer that desires God’s blessing must honor His father and mother to access the blessing through them Eph. 6:2-3.
God’s blessings are released on the believer through priestly proclamations Num. 6:23-27. Every believer that desires God’s blessing must take advantage of priestly proclamation to access it.
In conclusion, God’s blessing is what make the difference in life, but is personal responsibility that no one can make to happen for another.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for