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The scriptures make us to understand that the believer is expected to have the understanding of the times and seasons of life Mat. 16:1-3. This is because the understanding of times and seasons is vital to make the most of our life on the earth 1Chr. 12:32. The lack of this understanding makes the believer to be vulnerable to the forces of evil on the earth Lk. 19:41-44. Therefore, what is the time we are in on the earth now? We can categorically say that we are in a revival!

What is a Revival?

  1. A revival is a move of the Spirit of God among His people Joel 2:28-30; Act 2:1-4.

Every time there is the outpouring of God’s Spirit on the earth in a way we have not experienced it, this is revival!

  • A revival is a spiritual awakening among men, which makes the giant in man to rise Ezk. 37:1-14; Jer. 30:21.

When suddenly men begin to come alive spiritually, with the passion to pursue after the things of the kingdom, a revival is on in the land and that life.

  • A revival is a platform for divine visitation, which will always result in supernatural change of story of men Hab. 3:2,17-10; Zph. 3:17-20.

When we begin to experience God’s unusual manifestation in the midst of men and individual lives, a revival has broken out.

How to Identify the Season of Revival.

In essence, when there is a revival, what are the hallmarks that will show it?

  1. A revival is said to occur when the heart of man begins to pant after God and the interest of His kingdom Psa. 34:10; 42:1; Mat. 6:33.

The natural man’s heart pants after the things of life, and many in the church still live this order of life. When you observe that the same you is now panting after God and the interest of His kingdom, then there is a revival in your life and the land.

  1. A revival is said to occur when walking in the fear of God becomes our new way of life Jer. 32:39-40; Psa. 112:1-3.

The fear of God means hatred and zero-tolerance for evil and sin Pro. 8:13. Therefore, when this is happening in a believer’s life, revival has broken out.

What is in a Revival for us?

In essence, there are blessings in a revival for the believer that will be a part of the revival. What are these blessing?

  1. Every revival is a spiritual launching pad to high places in life.

Every believer that subscribe to a revival is guaranteed a supernatural change of levels to the high places of life Hab. 3:2-6,17-19;  Jer. 30:19-21. In essence, a believer that is a part of a revival is not permitted to remain on the same level in life.

  • Every revival culminates in supernatural restoration of the redemptive dignity of the believer Zph. 3:17-20; Joel 2:226-27.

All the blessing that the death and resurrection of Christ secured for the believer is enforced into reality in a revival. These essentially are; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing Rev. 5:12.

  • Every revival guarantees express answer to prayers Jn. 15:!6; Acts 12:5-13.

When the Spirit of God is moving, the believer who is a part of the revival enjoys instant answer t every of his prayers.

How to be a Part of a Revival?

Every revival is triggered and sustained on the prayer altar Hab. 3:1-2; Acts 2:1-3. Therefore, everyone that desires to see this on-going revival find expression in his life, must commit to the life of kingdom advancement prayer from now.

In conclusion, this revival shall speak in your life very loud,  and men shall testify to it on your behalf!

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


Father in the name of Jesus, cause your Spirit to be poured on my life like never before right now, and keep me fired up on the altar of prayer for life Acts 2:1-3,26.

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