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We serve the God of times and seasons, He has each season appointed for definite purpose, and He makes all things beautiful in His appointed time Ecc. 3:1-2,11. The understanding of the times and seasons in life as appointed by God guarantees the experience of glory by the believer 1Chr. 12:32. We are in a particular season now; it is the midst of the year, which is the two months that makes the middle of the year with five months before and after. From scriptures, we understand that the midst of the year is the season of revival Hab. 3:1-4. We must be spiritually awake in order to make the most of revival season Eph. 5:14; Lk. 19:41-44; Pro. 10:4; Gen. 28:16.

What is a Revival?

  1. A revival is a platform for divine visitation ordained for our supernatural change of story.

In essence, a revival is the move of the Spirit of God among His people Zph. 3:17-20. Every move of God is ordained to move His people forward in life Hab. 3:2,17-19.

  • A revival is a spiritual awakening that causes the giant in us to rise.

In essence, a revival is to have the believer come out spiritual dead state, and he is aglow with life of God like never before Ezk. 37:1-14. His prayer altar is on fire afresh, fasting life, word study and practice, giving, pursuit after the salvation of souls etc. When the spiritual aspect of the believer is alive, every other aspect is imparted with fresh life, which results in his rise into greatness Pro. 18:14; Jr. 30:21.

What are the things that Identifies a Revival?

This is important so that we can assess if the revival is happening in our life as a person.

  1. A revival is said to occur when the heart of man begin to pant after God and the interest of His kingdom.

A true revival is validated by the heart of men loving God’s presence more than every other thing Psa. 42:1:34:10. The priority of men changes to the things of God’s kingdom, as they pursue it passionately Mat. 6:33. Men now love to spend time in prayer than watch TV, spend time in God’s word than stay on phone and social media, love to win souls for Christ than gist with friends etc.

  1. A revival is said to occur when walking in the fear of God becomes our new way of life.

A true revival is validated by the loss of taste for sin and ungodliness in the lives of men Jer. 32:39-40; Psa. 112:1-3. Everything that God hates becomes irritating in a revival to men, beginning with the believer.

If you can’t identify with the things we have stated now, it means you are in a revival season but it is yet to take place in your life. You need to cry out to God for revival to be ignited on your life.

What is in a Revival for Us?

In essence, what are the blessings of experiencing a revival as a person?

  1. Every revival is a spiritual launching pad to our high places in life.

A revival is God coming in the midst of men, and when God does come into a place, the people cannot remain at same level. When God comes, there is supernatural lifting to heights only God can lift a man to Jer. 30:19-21; Hab. 3:2,17-19.

  • Every revival culminates in supernatural restoration of the redemptive dignity of the believer.

When God comes down, which is what we have identified as revival, there is supernatural restoration of all the rights of the believer the devil has stolen Jn. 10:10; Zph. 3:17-20; Joel 2:26-27.

  • Every revival result in express answer to prayers.

In a revival, God is near and this makes the believer’s prayer to attract answer without any delay Jn. 15:16; Acts 12:5-13.

In conclusion, yes it is the season of revival, but revivals are made to happen by those who accept the responsibility. Every revival is triggered and sustained by engagement in prayer and fasting Hab. 3:1-2; Acts 2:1-4. It is revival time, will each us accept the responsibility to have revival in our individual lives?

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father in the name of Jesus, set my life on fire for you afresh now Mat. 3:11-12.
  2. Father in the name of Jesus, and by your Spirit, cause my spiritual life to come alive right now; my prayer altar, fasting, word study and practice, soul winning Gen. 2:7.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, everything the enemy is using to make my weak and slumber in my spiritual life is consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost now Mat. 3:11-12.

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