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Whatever God demands from man, He already supplied the power and grace for it; at the same time He teaches man the way to follow to achieve it Jud. 6:14; Isa. 48:17. We have established from scriptures that sanctification is commanded by God for every believer 1Ths. 4:3; 1Pet. 1:15-16. So there must be the way of God to it, when we adopt God’s way, sanctification becomes cheap to accomplish Jer. 6:16. The challenge of many with walking in sanctification is because they are not following the pathway of God to it Ecc. 10:15. What is God’s way to sanctification?

Pathways to sanctification.

  1. Engage the name of Jesus in battle against sin.

Everything bows and submits to the authority in the name of Jesus Php. 2:9-11. When the believer invokes the name of Jesus against the temptation of sin, the believer is established in victory over that sin and his walk in sanctification is guaranteed Pro. 28:10.

  • Flee from all traps of sin.

To be free from sin and walk in sanctification, the bible instruct the believer to flee from sin 1Cor. 6:18; 1Ths. 5:22; 1Tim. 6:10-12. In essence, the believer is not to discuss, analyse, study, or try to understand how and why, he is to simply run away from sin. It not a sign of weakness, but the believer’s guarantee to overcome sin!

  • Ensure to keep a right company.

Association has great power of influence in life Psa. 1:1-3; Pro. 13:20; 1Cor. 15:33. Earl Nightingale said, ‘You will be who you are today in the next five years except to two major things; the friends you keep and the books you read’. Therefore, to be free from sin, one must consciously make friends with people who are lovers of and practises righteousness.

  • Faith is a must to live the sanctified life.

Life in God’s kingdom is a function of faith Hab. 2:4; Mat. 9:29. It is impossible to live the life that pleases God, the sanctified life, without faith Heb. 11:6. In essence, what the believer does not have faith for can never become the reality in his life Heb. 1:1. This goes to say that, the believer who will succeed to walk in sanctification must have his faith alive, and believe that it is possible to live above sin in life. But faith is built consciously through God’s word; studying, meditation and practise Rms. 10:17. Therefore, to walk in sanctification the believer must build his faith for sanctification.

Benefits of Sanctification.

  1. It secures access to revelation.

Revelation is the lifting force in the kingdom, it changes the believer’s position resulting in supernatural rise and shining of the believer Gal. 2:2; Isa. 60:1-3,8. Revelation means spiritual understanding of scriptures that makes the believer able to correctly apply scriptures to generate desired testimony in life 2Tim. 2:15. But it is sanctification that qualifies the believer for such spiritual understanding of scriptures Psa. 25:14; Pro. 1:23.

  1. It secures access to fresh unction.

Unction puts the believer in command in life; this makes the forces of darkness to submit to believer, thereby making the believer to experience good no matter the evil happening around Psa. 92:10-15. Unction refers to fresh anointing, fresh oil, or power. From scriptures, we understand that unction answers to the level of sanctification of the believer Lk. 5:37-39; Pro. 1:23,28.

  1. It secures answered prayer.

One thing that gives beauty to the Christian life is when we receive answer to our prayers always 1Kgs. 18:21-24. One very costly price that a man pays for the life of sin is unanswered prayers Psa. 66:18; Pro. 28:13; Jn. 9:31. When the believer walks in sanctification, he enjoys express answer always in prayers Psa. 66:19-20; Isa. 38:5.

  1. It engenders divine health and wholeness.

The scriptures show us that sin is the entry point for sickness, disease and affliction into man’s life Jn. 5:1-8,14; Mk. 2:1-12(5). In essence, walking in sanctification guarantees living in health and wholeness, above sickness, disease and afflictions Jms. 5:16; 3Jn. 2.

  • It engenders promotion.

Continuous promotion is God’s will for the life of His children on the earth Pro. 4:18. When life is void of promotion, it becomes much of frustration. Sin is a weight, it keeps the life of the victim static Heb. 12:1. Sin is a resistance to progress in life; as long as an individual is living in sin he will suffer satanic resistance that will forbid His rise in life Zch. 3:1-5. When we walk in sanctification, we have positioned ourselves for continuous and unstoppable promotion Dan. 1:8,17-21; 2:19,23-30,48-49; 6:1-4,28.

  • It secures durable riches.

God’s will for His children is generational prosperity 3Jn. 2; Psa. 35:27; 112:1,5. One thing that many need to understand is that sin robs man of prosperity, it opens the door to the thief (Satan) to steal one’s blessing and prosperity Jn. 10:10. Prosperity in God’s kingdom is a function of a walk in sanctification, and it will be the kind that will be generational Psa. 112:1-5; Joel 2:12-14,21-26.

Cost of Ungodliness.

  1. It blocks access to divine wisdom.

Wisdom is said to be the principal thing in life; it means the wisdom at work in each person is what determine the experience in his life Pro. 4:7; 8:22. But it takes walking in the fear of God to gain access to wisdom; the scriptures say categorically that the fear of God is the starting point into God’s wisdom Psa. 111:10; Pro. 9:10. Everyone that made a mark in life in scriptures, were individuals that operated by the wisdom of God, and all of them had the fear of God as their secret. Examples; Daniel Dan. 1:8,17-21; 5:11; Joseph Gen. 41:37-44; 42:18.

  • It stirs shame and reproach.

Sin always brings into reproach and shame in life Pro. 14:34. Samson had such an enviable and glorious destiny; he was a one-man army that was a threat to the army of every nation and a glory to Israel. But sin reduced Samson to a toy and mockery in the enemy’s hand Jud. 16:23-35.

  • It stirs fear and dread.

Sin will always fill the heart of man with fear Pro. 28:1; Gen. 3:9-10. Fear brings man into torment and bondage in life Job 3:25-26; 1Jn. 4:18. This is why the practice of sin brings a man into torment and captivity.

  • It secures durable riches.

God’s will for His children is generational prosperity 3Jn. 2; Psa. 35:27; 112:1,5. One thing that many need to understand is that sin robs man of prosperity, it opens the door to the thief (Satan) to steal one’s blessing and prosperity Jn. 10:10. Prosperity in God’s kingdom is a function of a walk in sanctification, and it will be the prosperity that will be generational Psa. 112:1-5; Joel 2:12-14,21-26.

In conclusion, until a man is set free from the life of sin he will not be able to enjoy the best in life Rms. 3:23. The way of escape from sin is REPENTANCE Acts 2:37-38. Genuine repentance entitles the believer for mercy, which results in forgiveness of sin 1Jn. 1:8-10. Repentance is the way to break free from the hold of sin, and the consequences of sin.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father, the power of sin is destroyed in my life by the power in the name of Jesus right now Php. 2:9-11.
  2. Father in the name of Jesus, every trap of sin in my life is destroyed and the prison door is opened by the blood of Jesus right now Zch. 9:11-12.
  3. Father in the Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I will walk in sanctification without fail from today Rms. 8:1-2.
  4. Father, whatever is a concern in my life is turned into a testimony before Shiloh 2022 Mk. 10:27.


  • DannyJoy 20-11-2022

    Thank you Sir! I have really been blessed and impacted by your teachings!
    I also plead if the midweek teachings will be posted here also… It will be an additional blessing to us

    • admin 20-11-2022

      Appreciate the feedback and your followership.
      We will work on your suggestion. You are blessed.

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