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Prophecy is God revealing what He intends to do to His children Amos 3:7; Isa. 42:9. Whatever God reveals, His integrity is committed to bring to pass Num. 23:19; Heb. 6:18. Every word in scriptures reveal God’s intention to the believer and man generally Jn. 5:39; Isa. 34:16. God’s words is prophetic, it is the surest form of prophecy 2Pet. 1:19-21. Therefore, life can become cheap simply by getting to know what God said in His word, understand how to commit God to make His word come to pass in the life of anyone who has found it Pro. 24:14; Gen. 13:14-15.

Scriptural Prophetic Lifeline for the Redeemed.

  1. The believer is redeemed for a destiny of no limits.

The natural man is highly limited in life Mk. 10:27. But redemption takes all the limits off, bringing the believer into a world of no limit Pro. 4:18; Mat. 5:13-14. But light is the believers access to actualize the destiny of no limit Isa. 60:1-2,22; 2Cor. 3:18. Light is the spiritual understanding of scriptures, which makes the believer to know what to do per time to command his desired testimony.

  • The believer is redeemed for blessing.

From scriptures, we understand that all that man need for a life of success on the earth is God’s blessing Pro. 10:22; Gen. 1:28. Redemption brings man into the blessing of God with the guarantee of a life of success thereafter Acts 3:26; Gal. 3:13-14. But serving God is the believer’s guaranteed access to God’s blessing Exo 23:25-26; Job 36:11.

  • The believer redeemed to be fruitful.

Unfruitfulness is not of God and a product of curse in life Gen. 3:17-19. Redemption delivers from the curses of life, thereby bringing the believer into the world of supernatural fruitfulness Deu. 7:14; Gal. 3:29. But dedication to God and His kingdom is the believer’s guarantee to the life of supernatural fruitfulness Psa. 1:3; 92:12-13.

  • The believer redeemed to be more than conqueror.

We live in a world enveloped in wickedness, it takes overcoming the forces of wickedness to do well in life 1Jn. 5:19. Redemption empowers the believer not only to overcome, but to be more than conqueror, thereby causing him to triumph without sweat in the midst of intimidating opposition Jn. 1:12; 2Cor. 2:14. But love for God is the believer’s guarantee to become more than conqueror Rms. 8:35-39.

Characteristics of Prophetic Words.

When the believer discovers what God has said of him in scriptures, there are things that take place.

  1. Prophetic words empowers for steadfastness in stewardship.

When a believer receives and believes a prophetic word, grace to remain committed to the pursuit of God until that word is performed is released on him Php. 1:21; 1Cor. 15:58.

  1. Prophetic words engender peace within.

When a believer receives and believes a prophetic word, he is imparted with supernatural peace, which invokes divine intervention for his instant release of desired miracles Psa. 85:8; Php. 4:7.

How to make Prophetic Word Deliver speedily.

  1. Receive, believe and act on the word.

To receive a prophetic word means to take it personal. To believe it means to become convinced and confident of it fulfilment. And to act on it means to do what is required to see it become fulfilled.

  1. Engage the mystery of praise.

When we praise God for what He has said, we have triggered the speedy fulfilment in our lives Pro. 12:14; 13:2; Heb. 13:15.

Case Study:  Jehoshaphat.

He engaged the mystery of praise to change a case that was hopeless, helpless, and despair to supernatural victory and wealth 2Chr. 20:1-6,12-17,20-25.

In conclusion, no matter how bad the situation of a man is, when he discovers the truth and responds appropriately, his story takes a turn for glory Jn. 8:32. The undoing of many in life is their refusal to respond to the truth that will change their story. Hear this, you have come to your moment of supernatural change that you have long desired, and you are not missing it.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father in the name of Jesus, cause every of your word about me in scriptures to being to come to speedy fulfilment from now Ezk. 12:25,28.
  2. Father in the name of Jesus, by your Spirit grant me spiritual understanding of your word for my life as contained in scriptures, thereby destroying all limitations in my path in life Isa. 60:1-2
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the baptism of the Spirit of [raise, thereby empower me for supernatural delivery of my glorious destiny in Christ Hab. 3:17-19.


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