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Scriptures make us to understand that new birth turns an individual into a new creation 2Cor. 5:17. One of the major characteristics of the new person that new birth has turned us into is more than a conqueror Rms. 8:37. But thanksgiving is a vital demand to emerge more than a conqueror in reality.
How Does Thanksgiving Grant Believers Access to the Realm of More than Conqueror?
Thanksgiving and praise secure for the believer God’s presence Psa. 100:3. When thanksgiving and praise therefore becomes the lifestyle of the believer, he becomes a carrier of God’s presence Psa. 22:3. God’s presence turns an individual into more than conqueror over life situations and circumstances Psa. 24:7-10; 114:1-8; Dan. 3:17-23; 6:20-23.
Scriptural Examples of Thanksgiving-made More than Conqueror Individuals.
Bible records are documents to show the believer what God can do, and how to make Him do same in one’s life Rms. 15:4; 1Cor. 10:11; Heb. 6:12.
- The testimony of Abraham.
Abraham and Sarah (his wife) were greatly hospitable and highly cheerful personalities Gen. 18:1-8; Heb. 13:2. They had the challenge of childlessness, it continued into their advanced age, which was beyond child bearing Rms. 4:18-19. Instead of being in despair they were addicted to giving glory to God, and this made Isaac their child of promise to come forth against all natural and medical explanation Rms. 4:20-21. Abraham grew to become a covenant symbol of supernatural blessings from total failure Gal. 3:13-14,29.
- The testimony of Joseph.
Joseph was the eleventh son of the covenant father, Jacob Gen. 30:21-24. Out of envy, his blood brothers sold him into slavery to the Midianites Gen. 37:26-28. But he maintained a merry heart in slavery while in Potiphar’s house, and in prison Gen. 39:1-5,21-22; Pro. 15:13. His attitude of joy, rejoicing and celebration of God invoked a supernatural change of his story o become the prime minister of Egypt from the prison Gen. 40:6-8; 41:15-16,38-44.
- The testimony of Daniel.
Daniel was a war-captive in Babylon, who chose to keep acknowledging the living God in his captivity Dan. 1:3-6,8. This attitude of Daniel triggered series of divine response in his life:
- He enjoyed favor from God and with men Dan. 1:9.
- He gained access to the secret dream of the king and interpretation of same Dan. 2:16-19,20-30.
- The king bowed him (a captive) Dan. 2:46.
- He came out of the lion’s den unhurt when he was unjustly thrown into it Dan. 6:19-23.
- He continued to be relevant in Babylon all through his life Dan. 6:26-28.
In summary, Daniel a captive emerged more than a conqueror in an overwhelming situation.
In conclusion, our God has not changed, He is still the same, and doing the same things He has done before Mal. 3:6; Psa. 74:12. The commitment to thanksgiving as a lifestyle was the secret to the transformation of men of old into more than a conqueror personality. It is the wise decision for everyone that desires to emerge as more than a conqueror in this generation. You are the next testimony the world is waiting to hear, and your time has finally come.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me.”
- Father in the name of Jesus, I cast the spirit of heaviness out of my life now Isa. 61:3.
- Father in the name of Jesus, cloth me with the garment of praise thereby making thanksgiving and praise the lifestyle for life Isa. 61:3.
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