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by admin
God’s will for the believer is supernatural financial fortune Psa. 35:27; 3Jn. 2. One basic reason why many believers still struggle particularly in finance is because they are yet to know how to step into prosperity that God ordained for His children Ecc. 10:15. The way to it is to understand that wealth is entrusted by God to those He can trust to use it for the right purpose Ecc. 2:26; Lk. 16:11. Walking by God’s covenant is what makes the believer to become trusted by God with wealth Deu. 8:18; Jer. 33:20-21.
What is a Covenant?
- A biblical covenant is God’s sworn verdict on various aspects of life, as contained in His word.
In essence, God has vowed to make the believer wealthy, but He has what the believer must do to commit Him to deliver His promise Isa. 14:24,27; Heb. 6:13-16.
- A covenant is an agreement put in place by God that commits God to do a thing as long as the believer fulfils his part.
In essence, no circumstance on earth can render a covenant of God of no effect, once the believer fulfils the requirement Jer. 33:20-21. God’s will of prosperity is not a promise that one can experience by confession, demand in prayer or enforce by fasting. It is a covenant that one must practice.
Terms of the Covenant of Financial Fortune.
The scriptures instruct us on how to give to command God’s blessing that will result in wealth. In order of priority, they are:
- Tithing.
It is the tenth of every income, which we are to bring to God because it is His Gen. 14:18-20; Mat. 23:23; Heb. 7:1-8.
- Worship offering.
It is what we bring to God as part of our worship every time we come to worship Him Deu. 16:16-17; Lk. 21:1-4.
- Kingdom advancement sacrifice.
It is using our resources to pursue the growth and enlargement of the church and God’s work Psa. 50:5; 126:1-6; Php. 4:15-19. Often, this places great cost on our lives; it is why it is referred to as sacrifice. These include things like:
- Building of churches 1Chr. 28:2-3,14-18; 29:2-5; 1Kgs. 8:17; Lk. 7:1-4.
- Giving to missions, mission expansion projects, crusades, outreaches etc. Zch. 1:17.
- Church furnishing – chairs, carpeting, audio and visual equipments, power generating sets etc. Psa. 102:13-15.
- Giving to parents.
It is taking responsibility to care for your biological parents at your levels of resources Eph. 6:1-3; Gen. 27:1-4,25-29.
- Giving to the poor and charity.
This is taking care of the needy and less privileged around us, with priority on those of the household of faith Gal. 6:10; Mat. 25:31-40; Pro. 19:17.
- Giving to ministers and ministries that impact on our lives.
This is returning with financial and material things to those who impart our lives with spiritual blessings Rms. 15:27; 1Cor. 9:11; Gal. 6:7-9.
Apart from tithing that is fixed as the tenth of our income, other covenant giving are as one is able or purpose in his heart Deu. 16:17; 2Cor. 9:7-9. Someone may ask, what remain when I do all these? The answer is BLESSING, which is the POWER FOR WEALTH Deu. 28:1-12; Pro. 10:22.
How Do I Get Started?
- We are to start the practice of the covenant from where we are.
The scriptures show us that God begin with the believer from wherever He finds him Gen. 13:14-15; Deu. 32:9-14. No level is too low to start from, and no matter how low we think the start is, we are guaranteed to rise to the top as we consistently practice the covenant Job 8:7; Zch. 4:10.
- We are to engage in planning our finance.
This is to enable us sustain our practice of the covenant Pro. 24:3-5. The covenant delivers through consistent practice, not by a hit and run operation Gal. 6:9. Therefore, stick to covenant practice to appear at your wealthy place Psa. 66:12.
Fringe Benefits of Covenant practise.
These are other benefits other than financial breakthrough that the practice of the covenant of wealth delivers.
- Procures favor.
Walking by the covenant of wealth invokes divine favor on the believer Psa. 102:13-15; Mat. 6:33. Remember, favor is the answer and cure to misfortune, toiling and failure Exo. 3:21.
- Guarantees supernatural fruitfulness.
This is fruitfulness in all areas of life; the womb, mind, of the hand, in business etc. Exo. 23:25-26. Favor forbids and terminates emptiness, thereby making the believer to bring forth supernaturally against all odds. Exo. 3:21; Lk. 1:28-31.
In conclusion, you have no business with financial struggle and tension as a child of God. Each of us has the power to effect the change we desire in our lives Deu. 30:19; Jos. 1:8. Hence, stop watching your life go anyhow! Stop waiting for when things will change or God will do it! Take responsibility over your life to effect the change you desire, by doing what scriptures instruct to do, and keep at it until your change happen Jer. 1:10; Job 14:14.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for
- Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for tireless practice of the covenant of wealth Zch. 4:6.
- Father in the name of Jesus, and by the anointing, the yoke withholding to my seed is destroyed, thereby turning me into a liberal and generous giver from today Isa. 10:27.
- Father in the name of Jesus, as I walk in God’s covenant of wealth, I shall walk out of poverty in supernatural wealth, turning me to a kingdom financial giant Deu. 8:18.
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