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The understanding of times empowers the believer to make the most of his life on the earth 1Chr. 12:32. The scriptures make us to understand that the time we are is the last days; the days that precede the return of Jesus t the earth Mat. 24:3-14. Further, we understand that the last days are days of prayer and fasting in the body of Christ Mat. 9:14-15; Mk. 2:18-19; Lk. 5:33-35. In essence, for the believer to walk in dominion in the midst of the gross darkness and wickedness of the last days, prayer and fasting must become his lifestyle 2Tim. 3:1; Joel 2:1-2.
Why Prayer and Fasting in the Last Days?
- The last days are the days of His power.
Satan knows that he has a short time left in the last days, this makes him more violent and vicious against all of God’s creation, and particularly the believer Rev. 12:12. No matter how vicious Satan has become, he is silenced by the believer with adequate empowerment Psa. 66:3; Rms. 13:1-2. This is why God ordained the last days as the days of His power for the believer Psa. 110:1-3. But power is facilitated by prayer and fasting Psa. 63:1-3; Isa. 58:6; Lk. 4:1-2,14. Therefore, the last days are days of prayer and fasting for the believer.
- The last days are the days of vengeance.
The scriptures prophecy about Jesus from Prophet Isaiah contained a list of the things Jesus will deliver Isa. 61:1-7(1-2). When Jesus would refer to this prophecy, He did not state all the things Isaiah list, but stopped at a point Lk. 4:18-19. He later said the believer will not only do what He did but will do greater things, which means the remaining things Isaiah said about Him will be delivered by believers Jn. 14:12. The first thing on the list of Isaiah from where Jesus stopped is “the days of vengeance of our God”, which means the last days are the days of vengeance Acts 2:16-17. This is because vengeance is the only way to silence the much wickedness of the enemy in the last days, making the believer to walk in dominion Dan. 12:19; Ecc. 8:11. But vengeance is facilitated by prayer and fasting Lk. 18:1-8; 2Chr. 20:3,12-14,22-24. Therefore, the last days are the days of prayer and fasting for the believer.
What is the Profitable Approach to Fasting?
It is not every prayer and fasting result into empowerment Isa. 58:3; Jms. 4:2. There are requirements that make prayer and fasting to generate power. What are the requirements?
- We must come confessing and forsaking our sins.
Sin will prevent the believer’s access to God, thereby denying his prayer and fasting from generating the power required Psa. 66:18; Isa. 59:1-2. The solution to sin is repentance; the believer acknowledges, confesses and forsakes his sin, which makes God to forgive and cleanse him 1Jn. 1:9-10. Only the sin that is acknowledged, confessed and forsaken that God will forgive and cleanse. Until our sin is forgiven and cleansed by God, it will keep hindering our access to God, His power and blessing in life.
- Refuse to be offended in God.
Offence in God means to be angry or disappointed in God for any reason. This disconnects the believer from God and His blessing, leaving him empty in life Mat. 11:6; Acts 24:16. The solution is to get rid of offence, then the believer will gain access to God and his prayer and fasting will deliver power and the blessings of God Isa. 58:9.
- Engage our heart in seeking the Lord.
Until the heart is involved in our prayer and fasting, our pursuit of God will not deliver result 2Chr. 27:6; Pro. 16:1; Jer. 29:13; 30:21. From scriptures, we understand that when we pursue after God with our heart, things begin to answer to us in life Dan. 11:32; Mat. 6:33. The solution is to possess a heart that seeks after God, which only God can give when we ask for it Ezk. 36:26; Mat. 7:7-8. It makes prayer and fasting to become explosive 2Chr. 16:9; Jer. 29:13; 30:21.
- Define our goals and objectives.
The prayer and fasting that will deliver power is the one that we have specific goals for Mk. 10:47-48; Ezr. 8:21-23; 2Chr. 20:3-24. The solution therefore is for the believer to define his purpose for embarking in prayer and fasting clearly, and be specific at it. Be specific in demanding for the light of God in the area of challenge.
In conclusion, the scriptures make us to understand that God will not need more than three (3) days to make whatever the believer desires and demand of Him Hos. 6:2. Therefore, for maximum profitability from these 21-days of prayer and fasting, it is advisable to divide it into 3-days segments, and have specific goals for each of the 3-days. God still answer prayer and He shows us to men on the altar of fasting as we know Him to do in bible days Mal. 3:6. These 21 days shall give you such experience with God that will result in your change of spiritual authority, which shall set the pace for a most exceptional year thus far in your life. Be blessed!
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for
- Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit to make the most of the 21 days of prayer and fasting of this year Acts 8:26-27.
- Father by the blood of Jesus, deliver me from everything that is capable to hinder my prayer and fasting from producing result and delivering power Col. 2:14.
- Father in the name of Jesus, I receive supernatural strength to go through these 21 days of prayer and fasting without fainting, weak or failing Isa. 40:31.
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Prayer and fasting are commandments of God to every believer, as found in scriptures Isa. 58:6; Mat. 6:6-7,17-18. While these are commandments, they are not burdens but blessings of unfathomable dimension Jer, 23:33-40. Though Prayer and fasting come at a cost, this cost pales in comparison to the glory in return Psa. 63:1-3; 2Cor. 4:17. […]
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