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by admin
God’s will is that His children prosper in whatever they do Psa. 1:3. But this demands that we apply ourselves to the laws of God on how to command success in the works of our hands Jos. 1:8. What are these laws?
The Laws for Business and Career success and Breakthrough.
- Give Christ the first place in your life.
When the believer places Christ as first before everything, he has committed Christ to help hi, in all he does in life Mat. 6:33. Remember, the help of God is the secret to supernatural breakthrough and enviable success in life Lk. 5:3-8; 18:28-30.
- Operate your business and career by the light of scriptures.
The scriptures is not a history book, it is light designed to show the believer how to walk in every aspect of life, including business and career Psa. 119:105. Every time the believer applies scriptural principle, he is walking in the light of the word. Walking by the light delivers from stumbling, struggling, tolling and breakdown Jn. 12:35-36. In the world of darkness, light makes a shining star of the believer Isa. 50:1-3,8,22.
- Operate your business and career by divine guidance.
Obedience to God’s instruction per time is the guarantee to success in business and career Isa. 48:17,21. Obedience to God’s instruction may be costly, but the outcome is always priceless. Abraham became a generational success through committed obedience to whatever God says Gen. 12:1-4; 22:1-5,16-18. Same for Isaac, his secret of emergence in greatness was by following God’s guidance Gen. 26:1-4,12-14. Anyone can become committed to walking by divine guidance just by the decision to always ask God for what to do per time, and the commitment to always do what God says.
- Be given to excellence in your business and career practice.
Every man is looking for a competent and skilful business and career man, men will beat the path of the bush to locate you when you have it 1Sam. 16:15-19. Competence is consciously built, skill is developed. They don’t jump on people; they are not in-born qualities. We build them through training, which is acquisition of better knowledge and the ability to deliver desired result with it through correct application. The question is, are you better on your job today than you are last year? This is what will determine breakthrough or stagnation. Therefore, go and learn something that will make you better on your job than you were last year; enrol for a seminar, go for training, learn a new skill etc.
- Learn the art of speaking to you business and career.
In the world we live in, the law is that you will have only what you say Num. 14:28; Eccl. 5:5-6; Mk. 11:23. Therefore, keep speaking breakthrough and success to your business and career, in order to keep experiencing breakthrough Ezk. 37:1-14.
In conclusion, you serve the breakthrough God, you have no reason to be experiencing breakdown in your business and career again.
To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for
Father in the name of Jesus, cause your breath of life that came upon Adam in the beginning and turned him to the envy of all come upon my business now, and turn my busy to a global envy Gen. 2:7.
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