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Memory verse:     

“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.”

  • Pro. 23:26.

The heart is central to the life of man; it is where everything is controlled from Pro. 4:23. We cannot see the heart, but we can know what type of heart an individual has by the way he engages his time. Paul stated this when referring to Demas 2Tim. 4:10. This is why we said, one cannot have a heart for God and not have time for Him. Daniel understood the place of time; when there was the threat of death on his life and colleagues, he simply demanded for time Dan. 2:13-16. We can therefore say categorically that time is the basic asset of life with which we accomplish every other thing in life. It is the effective use of any asset that makes it deliver its worth. We need the wisdom of time engagement to make it deliver maximally. The wisdom is to engage our time for God and the interest of His kingdom Psa. 90:12. This was the wisdom of Daniel that we referred to above Dan. 2:16-19.

Scriptural Example of Giants who were product of wise usage of time.

  1. The example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

These were three of the Hebrew boys that king Nebuchadnezzar took as captives into Babylon Dan. 1:3-7. They were influenced majorly by one of their colleagues by name Daniel who made the decision to maintain a heart for God despite being in a foreign land Dan. 1:8. This decision made them also to take a stand for God, keep a heart burning for God and the prosperity of His kingdom. They chose to engage in prayer to seek after God, and not allow the circumstance and threat of the environment to overwhelm them Dan. 2:16-18. These three Hebrew boys refused to bow to the image set up by the king, an instruction by the king, rather they spent the time in worship of God Dan. 3:14-18. I know they worshipped God because it must be what brought the ‘fourth man’ into the midst of the fiery furnace with them Dan. 3:24-24; Psa. 22:3. At the end, we saw them promoted in the foreign land into great status Dan. 3:30.

A heart for God is the guarantee to a great life on the earth 1Sam. 13:14. But a heart for God is not possible without having time for God Lk. 19:13-19. In essence, we must have time for God to make the most of lives on the earth.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I consecrate my time to you and empower me by your Spirit to be steadfast with my decision to the end Psa. 90:12.


Pray for all your converts, and go after them to see they are in church service morrow Sunday.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree God’s wisdom on you afresh for appropriate use of your time from now!

You are ascending your throne this time!


  • Dcn. Molly 20-08-2022


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