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Memory verse:   

 “And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.”

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”

  • Lk. 14:22-23.

From scriptural documentation, the last instruction of Jesus to His disciples before He ascended to heaven was to go into the world and teach men to follow His principles Mat. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:15-16. It is not just to make men become converted to faith in Christ, but to become committed to live as Christ, which is what we refer to as ‘abide in the faith’ Jn. 15:16. In essence, getting souls to be born again is not the ultimate of the task God gave the believer, it the start of it. We must go further to see them abide in the faith. This is why it is important in getting the converts into, and become committed to the church.

Profits of Ingathering of souls to the church.

  1. The realization of the inheritance of the new converts.

Being born again is the spiritual birth of an individual into the family of God Jn. 3:5-7; Eph. 2:19. Now, the new believer is a partaker of the inheritance of God’s family. Commitment to the church is vital to experience this. How?

  1. The church is ordained by God as the center of revelation; and revelation empowers the believer to take delivery of his inheritance Mat. 11:28-29; Acts 20:32.
  2. The church is the center where God opens the eyes of understanding of believers through the ministry of teaching priests, thereby granting access to that which belongs to them in life 2Chr. 15:3-5; Isa. 30:20-21.
  3. The church is Gods’ ordained center where the blessings of redemption are distributed Psa. 65:4; 132:13-15. The more a new convert is committed to the church, the more he takes delivery of his blessings in God.

Commitment to church is a must for every new convert that will make it his new life in Christ. We must therefore get all our converts to become committed to church attendance and participation.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit for the ingathering of all my converts and contacts into the church until they are established Zch. 4:6.


Engage the prayer to get all you renew converts to appear in church this Sunday.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

None of your converts thus far this year shall miss next Sunday service!

Whatever that has prevented any of them from appearing in church is destroyed now!


  • Jonathan Arabome 10-06-2022

    Amen. Thanks for the piece Sir

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