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Memory verse:   

“Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will yet for this be enquired of by the

house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men

like a flock.”

  • Ezk. 36:37.

The church of Jesus Christ is ordained for supernatural growth Matt. 16:18. Growth is one important thing that validates the life of God in the church. We need to understand also that God hates and judges lack of growth Lk. 13:6-9. We can therefore conclude that church growth is a must. But church growth has to be enforced, and engaging the prayer altar is vital to this Isa. 66:7-8; Psa. 2:8. If the church must keep growing, the investment into prayer must be maintained and sustained Acts 6:4,7.  In essence, the prayer labor is a non-optional, irreplaceable demand on the church for her to experience growth.

What is in prayer that makes it so vital for the growth of the church? And what is it that will help believers to be able to embrace it as a lifestyle? We have been giving scriptural answer to these questions in our teachings this week. I believe your prayer life is coming on fire that shall never go down again!

What makes Continuous Prayer vital for Continuous Church Growth?

  1. To move God to build His church Matt. 16:18.

Only God can build His church to make her experience growth. The scriptures make it clear that except the Lord build the house, every effort made by men no matter their number will be futile: Psa. 127:1-2; Heb. 13:4. We understand from scriptures that the growth of the church is against the gates of hell Matt. 16:18. Only the presence of God that can clear off the opposition of the gates of hell to church growth Psa. 114:1-8. In essence, behind the growth of any church is God at work 1Cor. 3:6. To experience the growth of the church, we must understand how to secure God to work. And from scriptures, it is by prayer that we engage the intervention of God Jer. 33:3; Jn. 14:13-14. It is the intervention of God that secures growth and increase in the church 1Cor. 3:6.

One thing I am certain about is that we shall begin to experience strange dimension of growth from today. We must remember that prayer is not fun, but spiritual labor that offers immeasurable profits to everyone that engages in it Pro. 14:23; 1Tim. 4:8. We must therefore expect our rewards for our labor Pro. 23:18; 1Cor. 9:10.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, baptize me afresh with the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby empower for tireless engagement on the prayer altar for church growth from today Zch. 12:10


Pray for undeniable God intervention in His church that will cause the entire city to be swept into the church this month.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I see the fire of God on your prayer life burning stronger and hotter from today!

Every force of darkness shall bow to your supernatural authority from this day!


  • Ngozi Sandra Chukwunwike 24-04-2021

    Amen,Amen and Ameeeeen

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