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Memory verse:   

“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

  • Jn. 10:16.

We have established from the scriptures the truth that we are in a revival, being the midst of the year Hab. 3:2. And the hallmark of a revival is the massive ingathering of souls into the kingdom Acts 2:-6,41,47. From scriptures we understand that there is the right thing to do per time, and we do life becomes beautiful Eccl. 3:1,11, It is why the scriptures instruct the believer to have the understanding of the time and season, so he can be informed on the right thing to do thereby making the most of the season 1Chr. 12:32. In a revival with massive ingathering of souls into the kingdom, what the believer ought to do is get committed to gathering of souls into the church.

What is the Significance of Ingathering of souls into the church?

  1. To avoid wasted labor.

The scriptures make it clear that every labor in the kingdom delivers profit and reward to the believer Pro. 14:23. The most rewarding venture on the earth is spiritual labor, which essentially is about winning souls for Christ 1Tim. 4:7-8; Jn. 4:35-36. This is why getting our converts into the church becomes vital, so as not to make our labor a waste 1Ths. 3:5. The following are some reasons why getting them to church is important.

  1. Until our fruits or converts abide, our rewards cannot be fully delivered Jn. 15:16; 4:35-36. The scriptures say clearly that the condition is that our fruit must abide in the faith before our labor will yield the profits. Commitment to fellowship or the church is a must for our converts to abide in the faith Heb. 10:25.
  2. Tireless commitment to ingathering of souls will make a star of believers Pro. 11:30; 3:35. At redemption, the believer is released into the world of star, but this will only be actualized as he commits to ingathering of souls into the church Dan. 12:3.

The believer that will maximize the season must seek for God’s wisdom and engage same, because wisdom has the power to take over a city for Christ Eccl. 9:14-16; 10:15.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive fresh grace for the ingathering of souls into the kingdom, thereby positioning me for the full delivery of the blessing of the season Zch. 4:7.


Go again after all your contacts for the week, none is to miss tomorrow Sunday service.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree the baptism of wisdom to take over your territory for Christ!

The blessing of the season shall be fully delivered in your life!


  • Sunday+Daniel+Eleojo 16-07-2022

    Thank you for all the inspiring messages. More grace and strength

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