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Memory verse:   

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”

  • Jn. 15:16.

We belong to a kingdom that operates by a reward system, and it is a highly rewarding kingdom Rev. 22:12; 1Cor. 3:8. By reward, it means there are things to do and standard to meet up with to be entitled for the reward. What Christ did was to pay the price that makes us fit to participate in the engagements, which will make the believer to qualify for the rewards of the kingdom. The fundamental demand for rewards in God’s kingdom is reconciling the unsaved back to God, and getting them established in the faith by settling them in the church Jn. 15:16; 2Cor. 5:18-21. The work is to get men to make a commitment of their lives to Jesus Christ, and the standard is to see them make this become their lifestyle forever.

In essence, it is not enough that we labor to see people become saved, it is much more important that we continue to labor to see them become disciples of Christ Matt. 28:19-20. Until the new converts are turned into disciples, our job is yet to be done. We started to study the scriptural importance of laboring to see our converts turned into disciples this week. Today, we are going further in the study and I see God’s light shine into your heart by today’s teaching.

The Importance of getting new converts to become established in the church.

  1. For the sanctification of the new converts Heb. 3:13; 10:25-26.

The church is a place where the believer is empowered to live a sanctified life. The more committed the new convert is to church; the easier it is for him to attain to sanctification. And sanctification is a required factor for the believer to gain access to the blessings of God Acts 20:32.

  • For the deliverance of the new convert from all age-long habits Oba. 1:17.

All the ungodly habits an individual had adopted before his encounter with Jesus Christ may not stop instantly with his salvation. But as the new convert keeps attending fellowship with other brethren, he keeps receiving his deliverance from all those habits. To stay away makes him to remain subject to those habits.

  • The church is the cleansing center for God’s people Jn. 15:3; Eph. 5:25-26.

One major thing that takes place in the church is the ministry of the word, where God uses His servant to feed His people with His word continually. One thing about God’s word is that it has the power to cleanse the life of man from all debris of life. These include failure, disappointment, curses, mishap etc. In essence, to have all ugly things in the lives of our new converts turned to beauty, we must get them into church and abide there.

In essence, getting the individuals who have made the decision for Jesus Christ is not an attempt to get the church to be bigger. It is the only way to make them enjoy the blessings of God that we spoke to them about. Also, it is our ticket to the rewards of God.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the grace for tireless commitment to the ingathering of all my converts and contacts until they are turned into active disciples of Christ Jn. 17:12.


Draw up the strategy to get all your converts and contacts of Operation By All Means to be in church next Sunday.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I declare none of your converts and contacts in this last operation shall be lost!

For your engagement towards kingdom advancement the heaven over you opens afresh!

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