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Memory verse:   

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”

  • Eph. 5:20.

The scriptures command us as believers to be thankful at all times, and in all things Eph. 5:20. We are made to understand that this is God’s will for everyone living in Christ Jesus, who desires to enjoy the fullness of the benefits of the life of Christ 1Ths. 5:18. We have experienced the reality of this in the winners’ family in the past forty-two (42) years. It has been amazing, strange acts and works of God, which has turned us to the envy of the world.  One vital aspect of our culture which is responsible for this is our endless thanksgiving and praise Psa. 67:5-7. One thing that will enhance the attitude of thanksgiving is to identify the acts of God in one’s life Psa. 103:1-2.

What are Some Reasons why we must thank God?

  1. For the continuous rain of the word of eternal life over the past 42 years.

We understand from scriptures that it is God that gives His word, while we are only publishers of the word He gives Psa. 68:11. In essence, when God does not give the word there is nothing for any man to publish. The word He gives is the one that heals, delivers and transforms lives Psa. 107:20; Mat. 8:10,13. God’s word has been richly supplied by God the past 42 years with proofs of diverse testimonies in the winners’ family. This is why we are thanking Him.

  • To perfect God’s blessings in our lives.

We understand from scriptures that God releases His blessings in phases; little by little Exo. 23:29-30. In essence, every blessing of God released on the believer is only a part of the whole. Thanksgiving is the covenant way to make the blessing become whole or perfected Lk. 17:17-19. We have seen amazing things, but there are greater things ahead and our thanksgiving is what will bring us into them.

 Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for all of your goodness and blessing that we have enjoyed as individuals, families, and commission all these years; to you be all the glory Eph. 5:20.


Take you time to celebrate God for His word that has been abundantly supplied in the winners family and the proofs in diverse testimonies.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Thanksgiving shall never cease from your lips and habitation forever!

Your supernatural multiplication shall be testified to by all from now!

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