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Memory verse:   

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.”                                2Cor. 2:14.

The scriptures commands the believer to give thanks at all times 1Ths. 5:17. The scripture did not excuse the believer from giving thanks even when the situation is unpleasant and contrary. It’s good to remember that God’s commandments are not grievous, but they are the guaranteed access to God’s blessing on the believer’s life Deu. 28:1-2. But a good understand of why we must give thanks is what empowers for the believer to offer acceptable thanksgiving Psa. 47:7. This is particularly for us in this commission this week

Vital scriptural understanding for our thanksgiving.

  1. For the fulfilment of prophecy.

We have to thank God because He has kept giving us prophetic guidance, instruction, words, and has confirmed all with proofs Num. 9:18-23; Deu. 18:21-22. For example, April 10 1982, the following prophetic words came forth through God’s servant over us in this commission, Bishop David Oyedepo:

  1. “This commission shall be a platform for the demonstration of the power of God and not to debate doctrine”. To the glory of God, signs and wonders have become our identity today as a commission.
  2. “At the base of this commission, a sanctuary shall be built to seat fifty thousand where we shall soon see millions gathering”. Today, Faith Tabernacle, Ota stands as a testimony of the validity of that word and the faithfulness of God.
  • “By a special technology, God’s servant shall be speaking from one spot and it shall be seen live across the nations of the world”. As at the time, the internet technology was yet unknown. But today, our live broadcast is viewed across all the continents of the earth, with amazing testimonies to the glory of our God.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for doing all things well these past 43 years in this commission, and for my privilege to be a partaker in this commission Mk. 7:37.


Make every prayer this week thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive a fresh release of the oil of gladness on your life for spontaneous thanksgiving!

Your thanksgiving shall be a delight to God this week!

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