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Memory verse:   

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.”                                2Cor. 2:14.

This commission, the Living Faith Church Worldwide also known as Winners’ Chapel International, is forty-three years this week! Specifically on Thursday, May 2 2024, we shall be forty-three years as a commission. A fundamental demand by scriptural understanding is that we return to God in thanksgiving 1Ths. 5:17. But understanding is vital for us to engage in heartfelt thanksgiving that will be acceptable to God Psa. 47:7; Pro. 21:16.

Vital scriptural understanding for our thanksgiving.

  1. Our thanksgiving delivers us from pride.

When the believer does not respond with thanksgiving for God’s goodness in his life, it is an indication of pride Jer. 13:15-17. In essence, the effect of not giving thanks is that God registers that believer has proud. The effect of this is unbearable to the believer Pro. 16:18.

  1. When we fail to give thanks, we suffer devastations.

When the believer fails to give thanks, it means cannot see God’s hand or what He has done in his life. He is simply saying that God has done nothing tangible that can be noticed in his life. This attitude makes a believer to become victim of destruction Psa. 28:5.

  1. Giving thanks preserves, perfects, and multiplies our blessings.

Every blessing of God is ordained to be forever, make rich and take off every sorrow in the believer’s life Ecc. 3:14; Pro. 10:22. These demand that the blessing is preserved, perfected and multiplied. Thanksgiving is what makes all of these to happen to God’s blessing in the believer’s life Mal. 2:1-3; Lk. 17:17-19; Jn. 6:6-11.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for doing all things well these past 43 years in this commission, and for my privilege to be a partaker in this commission Mk. 7:37.


Recount the good hand of God in your life since you came to know Him.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Be clothed afresh with the garment of praise for a heartfelt celebration of God this week!

Our thanksgiving this week shall move God over our lives like never before!

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