Memory verse:
“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” 2Cor. 2:14.
We have come to understand that thanksgiving is a commandment of scriptures to every believer 1Ths. 5:18; Jer. 13:15-17. Giving thanks for the last is what qualifies the believer to access the next blessing ordained for his life Lk. 17:15-19. Therefore, if the believer will experience the continuous and unending progress designed for his life, he must adopt thanksgiving as his lifestyle Pro. 4:18; Psa. 92:1-3,12. The understanding of why and what to give thanks is what empowers the lifestyle of thanksgiving.
Vital scriptural understanding for our thanksgiving.
The beauty of the Christian life, and particularly the ministry is signs, wonders and the acts of God Acts 2:22. These are products of the confirmation of the word by God in the believer’s life. We are thanking God as a commission this week for the confirmation of the word in strange order of testimonies in the past 43 years. We must give thanks for these because of the following:
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for doing all things well these past 43 years in this commission, and for my privilege to be a partaker in this commission Mk. 7:37.
Schedule thanksgiving all through the day for yourself.
Priestly Blessings.
By your thanksgiving today, you shall experience strange divine encounters!
I see a new chapter of your life opening to you today!