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Memory verse:   

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

  • 1Cor. 15:58.

The scriptures make us to understand that redemption brings the believer into God’s kingdom with the promise of abundant life Jn. 10:10. But we need to serve acceptably to access and experience the abundant life Heb. 12:28. The unacceptable way of some believers is the reason for the life of shame many experience. The acceptable way of life in God’s kingdom is covenant practice Gen. 17:1-2; Jer. 33:21-26. A covenant simply means an agreement between parties with clearly defines conditions, and sealed with an oath. In essence, there are conditions specified for whatever God has provided for the believer, when they are satisfied the provision is delivered automatically Deu. 28:1-2.

The covenant mentality for a fruitful walk with God and stewardship.

  1. There is God’s expectation of us in stewardship to qualify for rewards.

From scriptures, we understand that until the cloud is full, the rain will not fall Eccl. 11:3; Gal. 6:9. This simply means that our investment in service must hit the threshold set by God, for our blessing and reward to be delivered.

  • Faith is vital to become entitled for rewards in stewardship.

The scriptures say every believer in service must have in confidence in God for him to gain access to rewards in stewardship Heb. 11:6; 10:35. In essence, it takes unshakable faith to arrive at our point of rewards for our service to God.

  • We must maintain joy and rejoicing to access our rewards.

In God’s kingdom, joy is a vital requirement for fruitful service Deu. 28:47-48. When Joy is lacking, every investment in the kingdom withers and fail to deliver result and rewards Joel 1:11-12. Therefore, one vital covenant approach is joy and rejoicing for access to rewards Php. 4:4.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by the Holy Spirit for tireless practice of the covenant till I step into my rewards Eph. 3:16.


Make the choice for joy as a lifestyle, and refuse to allow anything make you sorrowful from today.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree the baptism of the Spirit of joy on your life afresh now!

Every of your engagement shall be supernaturally productive from today!

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