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Memory verse:   

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

  • 1Cor. 15:58.

The scriptures make us to understand that serving God and the interest of His kingdom is not wasting one’s life, time and resources. Rather, it is engaging the covenant of God that guarantees the experience of the abundant life Job 36:11; Exo. 23:25-28. God’s covenant simply means accepting the responsibility for the glorious life that redemption offers Due. 28:1-2; Gen. 17:1-2. God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo says “The faith that makes God absolutely responsible for the delivery of a believer’s desires is an irresponsible faith”. When a believer takes up this responsibility, God becomes committed to deliver His promise Jer. 33:21-25. In essence, a covenant approach to life guarantees the believer tireless walk with and service to God until his life becomes an envy in life 1Cor. 15:58.

The covenant mentality for a fruitful walk with God and stewardship.

  1. Our faithful engagement in advancing God’s kingdom guarantees practical returns as we are due.

Promoting God’s kingdom commits God to the believer’s reward Jn. 4:36; Jms. 5:7. There is the time the believer’s reward is due, he must labor to this point Gal. 6:9. A vital way we promote God’s kingdom is in soul winning Mat. 28:19-20.

  • Endurance is a non-negotiable virtue for everyone that desires reward from service.

God’s kingdom to which we belong does not operate by a ‘hit and run’ system, but by covenant. The covenant is a seed time and harvest system Gen. 8:22. In essence, when we sow our seed of service, we need time for it to mature into fruits.

  • We serve a faithful God, when we are due, we shall not be denied.

Our God is called the faithful; He does not change on what He says Due. 7:9; Num. 23:19. In essence, when we serve and we are due for rewards, we have the guarantee of having the rewards delivered without fail Gal. 6:9; Mat. 20:4-7.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by the Holy Spirit for tireless practice of the covenant till I step into my rewards Eph. 3:16.


Appraise your soul winning engagement for the year, and review your goal and strategy.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Be empowered by God’s Spirit for spiritual fruitful soul winning engagement from now!

Your life shall reflect the rewards of serving God openly from today!


  • Jimoh Idowu Felix 20-07-2022

    Praise GOD

  • Pst. Timothy A. Oloyede 20-07-2022

    Serving God pays
    More grace sir.

  • Jonathan 20-07-2022

    More Grace Sir.

    • admin 22-07-2022

      Amen sir.

  • Mike Lanny 22-07-2022

    Serving God’s kingdom is not a waste of one’s time, resources and life.

    • admin 22-07-2022

      Right son!

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