Memory verse:
“My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.”
From scriptures, we understand that serving God and the interest of His kingdom brings the believer into God’s rewards 1Cor. 3:8; Rev. 22:12. The reward of God is the same as God’s blessing, and it is the secret to the life of glory Pro. 10:22. But an essential factor that makes service to deliver reward is consistency Gal. 6:9. There is the point the believer becomes due for reward; he must maintain unbroken service to this point for him to take delivery of his rewards. Therefore, a reward consciousness and an understanding of God’s faithful will stimulate the believer to tireless engagement in stewardship 1Cor. 15:58. This is what we referred to as covenant mentality in stewardship.
Covenant mentality that empowers for service of rewards.
Every believer that will be rewarded must engage successfully to the end to qualify for rewards Hab. 2:1-3; Mat. 24:13, This means, when we are yet to see rewards, we are yet to get to the end. We must therefore continue to engage without giving up.
Everyone that will deliver result to expectation will have to bring himself under control to deny himself of certain things that will render his effort ineffective, this is what we call discipline 1Cor. 9:24-26. Without which producing result will be impossible, and rewards will be in accessible.
Everything in God’s kingdom will answer to the believer as he presses Lk. 16:16. There is a level of pressure that must be exerted for things to answer to the believer. No one that is casual in his engagement can deliver the result that will qualify him for rewards; it is by pressing Php. 3:13-14.
There is no one that is at a disadvantage in the kingdom Acts 10:34-35. It is a kingdom where everyone has equal opportunity by applying ourselves to the covenant demands.
Jesus is Lord!
Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit to remain steadfast in my stewardship to the end Acts 1:8.
Endure every pressure service places on you to get at your reward.
Priestly Blessings.
The grace of God to deliver result to God’s expectation is released on you today!
You are emerging from this harvest season as a celebrated kingdom giant!