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Memory verse:   

“And he said unto her, What wilt thou? She saith unto him, Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on the left, in thy kingdom.”

“But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able.”                                                                                 Mat. 20:20-22.

When a believer has a challenge or a desire, the popular thing he goes to is pray. When there is no result, he proceeds to add fasting to it. Often, these vital kingdom forces are been applied without cognizance to kingdom principles. We serve a covenant keeping God, who operates essentially by covenant Psa. 89:34; Deu. 28:1-2. This is the reason why there seems to be no result when we apply the kingdom forces.

Some basic covenant approaches to maximize the kingdom life.

  1. We don’t bed to be honored, we serve our way to honor.

Honor is one of the redemptive rights ordained for every believer to enjoy Rev. 5:12. But access to it is not really by petition and supplication, but through serving God and the interest of His kingdom Jn. 12:24-25.

  1. We don’t beg for breakthrough; we serve our way into breakthrough.

The believer is ordained for continuous and unstoppable progress in life, which is what is called breakthrough Pro. 4:18. From scriptures, we understand that breakthrough is a product of committed service to God Lk. 5:3-8.


  1. God is not looking for who to stress, but who to make whole.

Serving God and the interest of is kingdom is not to place a burden on the believer. Rather, it positions him for a wholesome life 2Cor. 5:19-20; Pro. 13:17.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me in the inner man for tireless commitment to kingdom advancement endeavor to the point of rewards Eph. 3:16.


Review your approach to soul winning endeavor, for better result this month.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

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Grace shall proceed from your lips making the unsaved to respond to you from now!

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