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Memory verse:   

“Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.”

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” 

“Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;” 

“Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;” 

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

  • Psa. 103:1-5.

We have established from scriptures that thanksgiving is a way of God for life on the earth Psa. 92:1-2. Most times the way of God is in contrast to the way of men, but walking in the way of God has the guarantee for a great and glorious life Jer. 5:4-5. Therefore, what is thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is acknowledging God for who He is, and what He has done Psa. 103:1-2. Remember, our God is the unchanging God; this gives every believer the room for something to acknowledge God for Mal. 3:6. Also, the bible makes us to understand that as long as there is breath in a man’s nostril God has done ‘enough’ that deserves man’s appreciation Psa. 150:6.

The scriptures show us the power of sacrifice in bringing about sudden turnaround in the life of the believer Psa. 126:5-6. But thanksgiving has the capacity to make the life of the believer more pleasant than any form of sacrifice we may offer Psa. 69:30-31. Our focus this week is on the power in thanksgiving. I believe for encounter with fresh light that will release grace for the lifestyle of thanksgiving on you in today’s teaching.

What in thanksgiving that make it powerful.

  1. It makes the believers’ prayer to be heard and secures the answer.

Our God is the covenant keeping God Psa. 89:34; Jer. 33:21-26. His covenant is that whenever the believer engage the prayer altar, placing a demand that is in line with His will, He is committed to hear and deliver answer 1Jn. 5:14-15; Mk 11:24. This means that no matter the challenge or problem, a believer simply need to engage the prayer platform to resolve it. But scriptures makes us to understand that thanksgiving is essential to gain audience with God in the place of prayer, and to take delivery in reality of the answer God has released in the place of prayer Php. 4:6; 1Ths. 5:18. Without thanksgiving, prayer will fail to produce.

In essence, the lifestyle of thanksgiving is vital for every believer that will experience the best on the earth. As you make choice and get committed to thanksgiving, I see a new dawn in your life.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the oil of gladness and the grace for the lifestyle of thanksgiving thereby bringing me into the fullness of the glorious life God ordained for me Psa. 45:6-7.


Document the covenant you made for the lifestyle of thanksgiving; then ask God for the grace to be committed to the end.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

The oil of gladness is poured on your life now to empower you for the life of thanksgiving!

Everything about your life shall become a wonder to all from today!


  • Dayo Job 03-11-2021

    Am blessed thank you Daddy

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