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Memory verse:   

“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”

“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.”

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

  • Php. 4:4-6.

Scriptures make us to understand that challenges are normal to life 1Cor. 10:13. As long as an individual is still alive, he will be faced with challenges. God does not allow a challenge to come to a believer to crush him, every challenge is intended to bring out the giant in the believer Jdg. 14:5-6. Many of God’s children have been held down by certain issues that have confronted them in life, this is because the believer needs to be trained in the kingdom way to handle life issues that are against his life Psa. 144:1; 18:34.

In our teachings this week, we have been in the school of the Spirit training on how to make the issues of life that should have been concerns to become testimonies. And we have identified thanksgiving as the key. God instructs us in the scriptures that whatever is the situation, thanking God is His will for the believer 1Ths. 5:18. This means thanksgiving is what God commands the believer to do no matter what is the happening. When we fulfill God’s will by engaging in thanksgiving, we force the situation to change to our will Psa. 92:1-2.10-11.

The Power of Thanksgiving in Turning Concerns to Testimonies.

  1. The miracle of Jesus feeding 5,000 men Jn. 6:5-13; Matt. 14:15-21.

Jesus had this multitude that numbered about 5,000 counting the men alone, they had been with Him for the whole day in the desert place outside the city. At evening time when He was to release them to go home, He became concerned about their strength to make the journey home because they had not eaten since morning. So He demanded of His disciples to give them food to eat. The challenge; there was no pre-arrangement for this and they were about 5,000 not counting the women and children. But Jesus knew how to make anything that wants to become a concern turn to a testimony. He simply gave thanks as He lifted the little provision that was available. Thereafter the people were served, they all ate to fill and had left-over of 12 baskets. The situation that was an intimidation tending towards embarrassment turned to a public wonder suddenly through thanksgiving.

  • Thanksgiving has the power for multiplication Jer. 30:19; Jn. 6:11.

We understand from scriptures that is a kingdom mystery, and among others it has the power in it to make anything multiply supernaturally. In essence, whatever we thank God for is not permitted to remain the same, it is bound to experience a change!

Therefore, thanking God is more than mere expression of appreciation for a thing done. It is a weapon for forcing desired changes and turnaround in the believer’s situation.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I make the choice for thanksgiving as a lifestyle from today, empower me by your Spirit to remain steadfast at it Deut. 30:19.


Identify the turnaround your desire, and engage in thanksgiving to God specifically for that aspect of your life all through today.

Priestly Blessings.                                                      

I see a new dawn of the day in your life and situation from today!!

I decree the thanks-givers’ grace is poured out on your life like never before right now!

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