Memory verse:
“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.”
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
The scriptures make us to understand that the believer is not designed by God to bear the burdens of life, he is only permitted to bear the burdens of the word of the Lord 1Pet. 5:7; Matt. 11:28-30. The burden of life is to be cast upon the Lord, He is our burden bearer. The burden of life is too heavy for a man to carry, when borne by anyone, life becomes burdensome because he bears what he is not carved out for. The truth is that every man is confronted with the burdens of life, each one will decide whether to bear it or transfer it to Jesus who is our burden bearer.
How do we cast our burden, cares or concerns on the Lord? This is simply by turning them into our subject for thanking God Phil. 4:6-7. In essence, whatever should give you concern is what you should make your focus of thanksgiving, and you will see God take up the issue on your behalf. Whatever issue that has given you sleepless night comes to an end now as you engage this understanding.
The Power of Thanksgiving in Turning Concerns to Testimonies.
Paul and Silas were among apostles of Christ in the New Testament. They had a great time of ministry in Philipppi, a city of Macedonia, but this triggered the enemies of the gospel against them. And they were beaten and locked up in jail. Ordinarily, this should have made them to despair and be discouraged. Instead they turned the situation into thanksgiving and praise, while they were still in the prison. The result was that God stepped in, took over the situation and turn it to their celebration suddenly.
It is established in scriptures that God respond favorably thanksgiving and praise of His children. Whenever thanksgiving and praise rises up to Him from His children, He moves into their situation. Among other things He does is to immediately attend to whatever is the issue confronting and challenging the peace of His children, to turn such to a testimony instantly. Hence, only what is bigger than God that will remain as a concern when the believer engages in thanksgiving and praise.
In conclusion, thanksgiving as a lifestyle is a wise choice that guarantees an enviable life for the believer. The end has come to every from of worry and trouble in your life from today.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, I make the choice for thanksgiving as a lifestyle from today, empower me by your Spirit to remain steadfast at it Deut. 30:19.
Identify what is giving you concern and consciously engage in celebrating God over it, and do that all through today.
Priestly Blessings.
Everything that has given you troubled time is terminated as you engage in praise today!
For your shame you are having glory in double dimension from now!
PST Sunday Abalaka 26-05-2021
Amen Sir, thank you for your love to share with me. I appreciate you Sir. Enjoy more grace.