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Memory verse:   

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

  • 1Cor. 2:9.

The love of God is the greatest thing that can happen to a believer 1Cor. 13:13. It is the greatest of the kingdom virtues capable to make the believer become a wonder in life 1Cor. 2:9. It is the only kingdom virtue that cannot fail 1Cor. 13:8. This means that with God’s love, a believer is assured of rising to greatness in life. One vital feature of God’s love is that it is the fulfillment of all other laws Rms. 13:8-10. In essence, the love of God empowers the believer to fulfill all other commandments of God. The significance is that when the believer fulfills God’s commandment, he is supernatural lifted and gain access to God’s blessing Deu. 28:1-2. How do I ascertain that I have God’s love in me?

The Proofs of the love of God in the believer’s life.

  1. Giving one’s heart to God.

Whatever has the control of the heart has the control of life, and shows what the individual truly loves. God having the absolute control of the heart is a proof of the believer’s genuine love for God 1Sam. 13:14; Pro. 23:26.

  • Giving towards the advancement of God’s kingdom.

How a man channels his resources shows where his heart is, and what he loves Mat. 6:21. Therefore, a vital proof of love for God is committing one’s resources to advance the course of God and His kingdom on the earth like David 1Chr. 29:3; 28:4.

  • Rearing an altar of sacrifice.

Sacrifice is giving a resource that has great cost or implication on one’s life 2Sam. 24:24. Love for God is what empowers a believer to lay down resources of great value to God, not minding the cost or implication Psa. 50:5-7. Such exercise is always with great reward to the believer as in the case of Solomon 1Kgs. 3:3-13.

The scriptures show us that love for God is not a gift that only some have access, but a choice Jos. 24:15. No one is restricted access; it is simply a function of individual’s power of choice, and follow-up with appropriate action.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus; empower me by your Spirit for the love of God, thereby enable me to be passionate towards lost souls Rms. 5:5.


Before this week end, I want you to give to God what you have never given before; finance material, time, or service.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

By the Spirit of God, the love of God is fired up in your heart afresh now!

By the love of God at work in your life, you are scaling new height in life from now!

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