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Memory verse:   

“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” 

“And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.”

  • Jn. 4:35-36.

We are in a revival season is no longer news a news; it is a scriptural agenda Hab. 3:1-2. We understand that what the planting season is to a farmer is what a revival season is to the believer. Characteristic of a planting season is much and tedious labor that cannot be deferred, delayed but responded to prompt. Also, it is the investment into the planting season that defines what the harvest season will be like. In essence, every revival is a time of work, with high spiritual demand placed on the believer that is interested to be involved Hag. 2:3-9; 2Chr. 15:7.

The opportunities of engagement in a revival.

  1. A place for compelling people to come to church.

There is the place of inviting people to church, and another level of compelling people to church Lk. 14:23. We compel people through our passionate invitation and necessary assistance required to get our contacts and invitees to church services Lk. 15:4. There are challenged people who will not be able, unless somebody takes the responsibility to carry them to church Mk. 2:1-5; Acts 3:1-6,16. This is what any believer can do; it may just be going to the house of one’s invitees before the service and walking the person to church. Or paying their transport to and fro the church or it might be giving them persistent calls and SMS to remind of the church service and feedback after the service. The good news is that anyone involved in compelling people to church to meet with Christ will never be stranded in life Eph. 6:8; Pro. 28:27; Psa. 41:1-3.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, empower my by the Holy Spirit for full engagement in the on-going revival season, resulting in full delivery of the season blessing in my life Acts 1:8.


Go after all your contacts this week, and compel them to next Sunday service.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I see multitude trooping after you to church this Sunday!

Every of your effort in this season of revival shall deliver amazing rewards!

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