Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

by admin


We need to be excited with revival season, because it is a season that affords believers the opportunity of kingdom advancement endeavor like no other time Hag. 2:3-4,9. But a revival season is a spiritually demanding time on the believer who will care to engage. One’s engagement is a personal choice, but with great rewards Deu. 30:19. There is no way to compare the returns that accrue to the believer through kingdom advancement to any other engagement in life 1Tim. 4:7-8; Exo. 23;25-27. This is why a revival season is a time of glory for every believer that will be committed to engage.

The opportunities of engagement in a revival.

  1. A place for inviting people to church for their salvation.

Inviting people to church to meet with Christ is one task the believer is instructed to engage in again and again, until there is no empty space again in the church Lk. 14:17-23. This affords such individuals the privilege to hear the word of life and make a commitment of their lives to Christ Jn. 6:68. The Samaritan woman at the instance of encountering Christ ran back to the city and invited all the men who followed her to meet with Christ Jn. 4:13-19,28-30,39. We understand from scriptures that God is honored in multitude of people, in return God honors every believer that was a part of bringing honor to Him Pro. 14:28; 1Sam. 2:30.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, empower my by the Holy Spirit for full engagement in the on-going revival season, resulting in full delivery of the season blessing in my life Acts 1:8.


Go after all around your residence, and offer them compelling invitation towards Sunday service.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Minimum ten new individuals shall clamor to follow you to church next Sunday!

Strength to labor in this revival season to the point of reward is released on you now!


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