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Memory verse:   

“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”

  • Jms. 5:15.

The understanding of time is crucial for every believer that wants to maximize his life on the earth 1Chr. 12:32. The reason is because this understanding will empower the believer to know and do the right thing for the moment. We are in the end-time, and the church of the end-time by prophecy is ordained a church of multitudes Isa. 2:2-3; Mic. 4:1-3. From scriptures, we understand that the supernatural growth of the church simultaneously result in the glory of the saints Jer. 30:19. The greatest headache of the devil is the growth of the church and the glory of the saints; therefore Satan is all out in a strong fight against the church Mat. 16:18. The church must be well trained in the prayer of faith, which is the guarantee to silence the devil Jms. 5:15; Eph. 6:16.

What is the prayer of faith and how to engage in it?

  1. The prayer of faith is engaging God’s capacity for delivery through the altar of prayer.

This is the prayer that invokes the power of God to work for the delivery of one’s desire Mat. 21:22; Mk. 11:24.

  • Faith is the guarantee for the release of God’s power.

In essence, the believer must build his faith first for him to engage in the prayer of faith. Faith can be built through the study of anointed books relevant to the area of interest Dan. 9:2; 1Tim. 4:13,15; 2Tim. 4:13.

  • The prayer of faith does not beg it simply calls things into manifestation.

When faith is in place, the altar of prayer becomes a place of calling things that are not into reality Rms. 4:17. It takes a call in prayer, not an appeal or begging to qualify for divine intervention Mat. 7:7-8; 21:22.

The church is in her best days! But the church need to be trained on how to effectively engage in the prayer of faith to deliver the prophetic agenda of supernatural growth and the glory of the saints Isa. 2:2-3.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, pour upon us the Spirit of grace and supplication afresh, thereby cause your church to experience the influx of multitude henceforth Zch. 12:10.


Get books that are relevant to the areas you need to boost your faith, and give yourself to study them.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I see your faith ignited to a new level by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Every resistance of the power of darkness against your glorious destiny this month is silenced!

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