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Memory verse:   

“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”

  • Jms. 5:15.

The scriptures make us to understand that for our prayer to make things happen, we must engage in the prayer of faith Jms. 5:15. This might be the reason why many believers seem not to have much result in the place of prayer. This is vital because of the time we have come into on the earth, the end-time, when the powers of darkness shall actively be at work in strange dimension Isa. 60:1-2; 2Tim. 3:1. It is by the shield of faith deployed on the prayer altar that the believer will be able to silence the forces of darkness in the last days. This is referred to as the prayer of faith, how do we engage in the order of prayer?

What is the prayer of faith and how to engage in it?

  1. The prayer of faith is engaging God’s capacity for delivery through the altar of prayer.

When the believer engages with a heart full of confidence in God in prayer, which makes him to connect to God’s power and make things happen at a dimension that only God can do, then he has engaged in the prayer of faith Jms. 5:16-18; Mk. 11:24.

  • Faith is a must to engage in the prayer of faith.

The believer must have his faith built first before he can engage in the prayer of faith. One of the scriptural prescribed ways to build faith is through testimonies Psa. 119:111. We must feed on testimonies of God’s acts from others to develop our own faith Mat. 9:21-23; 14:36.

  • Faith empowers the believer to make demand that command heaven attention.

We understand from scriptures that our desires must be demanded before they can be delivered Jn. 16:23-24; Jms. 4:2. When faith is ignited, it empowers the believer to make demand on the prayer altar with result to show.

The end-time church is ordained as light in the midst of the gross darkness that shall cover the world Isa. 60:1-2. And that light is what will make her to become an attraction to multitude, but the prayer of faith is essential to make this come to pass.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, pour upon us the Spirit of grace and supplication afresh, thereby cause your church to experience the influx of multitude henceforth Zch. 12:10.


You must pray to the point of making at least a new family follow you to church tomorrow Sunday.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

From today your prayer life shall be on fire for God!

Your life shall be a light that will attract multitudes to Christ and the church from now!

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