Memory verse:
“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.”
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
After the fall in the beginning, the natural man became filled with selfishness Gen. 3:9-13. From that moment, he thinks and pursues things about himself alone. This nature sometimes is found manifesting in believers, and it makes them to miss out on the benefits of redemption. This is because it is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20:35. In prayer, praying for the advancement of God’s kingdom is how to give, compared to asking for personal needs. Therefore, praying kingdom advancement prayers is the key to maximizing the blessings of the prayer altar Mat. 6:9-10,33. It delivers the believer from sweat and struggle on the prayer altar Jer. 65:24.
The blessing in praying kingdom advancement prayer.
The church of Christ is ordained by God for continuous and unstoppable growth Mat. 16:18; Pro. 4:18. Satan and his cohorts will forever fight against the growth of the church, but the scripture gives the guarantee that her growth cannot be stopped. But the church (believers) has the responsibility of engaging the prayer altar in order to experience this supernatural growth Isa. 66:7-8. The scriptures make us to understand that God is limited to give only what the believer will demand for in prayers Mat. 7:7-8; Jn. 16:23-24. In essence, though God ordained the church for growth, but believers must demand for it to become the reality Psa. 2:8; Ezk. 36:37. Remember, church growth is vital because, in the growth of the church is the glory of the saints Jer. 30:19.
The prayer altar is a vital tool in the kingdom; it is the believer’s access to kingdom blessings Heb. 4:16. But we must understand that focusing on kingdom advancement is what makes it to deliver fully.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, I receive a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby making me tireless in praying kingdom advancement prayer Zch. 12:10.
Pray for all your converts this year to appear in church tomorrow for the service.
Priestly Blessings.
The fire on your prayer life shall never go down from today!
Whatever the enemy has been using to weaken your prayer life is destroyed now!