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Memory verse:   

“And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them

that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be

few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.”

  • Jer. 30:19.

We have established it that God’s intention and plan for His church is supernatural and continuous growth Pro. 4:18. The growth of the church happen by the salvation of the unsaved and their establishment in the church, to increase the numerical strength of the church Acts 2:47. Also, the lifting of the status of the individual members, to increase the financial power of the church Acts 4:34-37.All of these increases can only be by God alone Psa. 127:1-2; 1Cor. 3:6.

Scriptures make us to understand that thanksgiving and praise is the way to invoke God to work Exo. 15:11. Therefore, we must continue to give glory to God to experience growth of the church Jer. 30:19. Whenever the church stops giving thanks, the church stops growing Psa. 28:5.

The Power of Thanksgiving for the Growth of the Church.

  1. Thanksgiving invokes the release of fresh anointing.

The anointing is essential for the church to experience growth Acts 2:1-6,41. Thanksgiving is a guaranteed way to keep invoking the release of fresh anointing Psa. 92:1-2,10. And we must keep the anointing fresh for the church to keep growing Psa. 92:12-15.

  • Thanksgiving keeps God at work resulting church growth.

It is God at work that leads to the growth of the church, and as long as we can keep God at work the church will keep growing Exo. 15:11; Jn. 6:44. In thanksgiving, we have the guarantee to keep God at work in our favor.

  • Thanksgiving make the church to remain fruitful no matter how old.

No matter how old a church is, she is ordained to still be fruitful by winning new unsaved to Christ and getting them established in the faith and church Psa. 92:12-15. In essence, no matter how long a church has been existing, she is yet to keep experiencing in growth. Thanksgiving is what empower and make the church to be fruitful for growth at old age.

Any church that can give herself to thanksgiving and praise in truth and spirit, has the capacity to grow to any level. Thanksgiving and praise is what any believer can do, because we have been wired by God for this Isa. 43:21; and the Holy Spirit is given to us to empower us for it Acts 2:4,7-11. I see God giving us strange dimension of growth in this assembly like we have never seen before from this month!

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, pour upon us the oil of joy and gladness like never before thereby empower us for new level of thanksgiving from today Psa. 45:7.


Celebrate God for His word that we have kept enjoying as a church and the impact in strange testimonies.

Priestly Blessings.                                                      

I decree whatever is holding any aspect of your life down is destroyed now! From today, you shall never lose any battle of your life again!

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