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Memory verse:   

“And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.”

  • Jer. 30:19.

The scriptures make us to understand that God’s kingdom to which we belong is an ever advancing kingdom Mat. 16:18; Pro. 4:18. Church growth is the heartbeat of God, it is so important that God took personal and direct responsibility for it Mat. 16:18. If it is that important to God, the believer is expected to take it as a serious business. What does it take to keep the church of Christ on the path of continuous growth? There are things to do to see the church grow; like prayer, soul winning, follow-up etc. But to keep the church on the path of continuous growth, thanksgiving is the key Psa. 28:5; Mal. 2:1-3. Every time the believer gives thanks to God, he has stirred God to do more Psa. 67:5-7. This is why thanksgiving is the vital force to keep the church growing.

Scriptural understanding that will sustain believers in thanksgiving for growth.

  1. Understand that our God is the city taking God.

On Pentecost day, the entire of Jerusalem was drawn to the upper room Acts 2:1-6. At another time, almost the whole city was drafted into the church Acts 13:44. Thanksgiving will move God to draw men to Himself and the church Jn. 12:32.

  • Understand that God is behind the manifestation of signs and wonders that gathers souls into the kingdom.

Signs and wonders are tools of gathering multitude into the church Acts 8:5-8; 9:34-36. These signs and wonders are the confirmation of the word by God Mk. 16:20. Thanksgiving will move God to work any time, any day to make signs and wonders happen Exo. 15:11.

  • God multiplies the church through the mystery of thanksgiving and praise.

Thanksgiving and praise are likened to spiritual yeast that will make for supernatural increase of anything they are applied to Jer. 30:19; Psa. 67:5-7.Therefore,the church of Christ that desires to keep growing must adopt thanksgiving and praise as a way of life.

We serve the ever forward moving God Exo. 14:15. The church must embrace the covenant tool of thanksgiving and praise to manifest ever advancing attribute of God.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your faithful to this church, for the multitude you keep drafting, and the souls you keep saving in our services 2Cor. 3:5.


Spend quality time in thanksgiving and praise for the increase witnessed already in the church.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive the Spirit of God for the life of thanksgiving and praise right now!

By our praise this time, there shall be supernatural advancement never experienced before!

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