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Memory verse:   

“And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them

 that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be

 few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.”

  • Jer. 30:19.

Church growth is in two dimensions; quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative growth speaks of increase in number of the people, while qualitative growth is about increase in the status and level of the people Acts 2:41; 5:14; 17:4,12. To experience growth in both dimensions, it can only be by the hand of God. We can evangelize and invite people, but only God can touch the heart of men to make the decision for Christ, thereby become a member of the body of Christ Rev. 3:20. And only God can change the stature of men Matt. 6:27.

Scriptures make us to understand that thanksgiving and praise has the guarantee of securing God at work. God delights in thanksgiving Psa. 92:1-3. He dwells in the atmosphere of praise, and stirred to do His strange works through praise Psa. 22:3; Exo. 15:11. Therefore, thanksgiving and praise by the church will trigger the supernatural growth of the church.

The Power of Thanksgiving for the Growth of the Church.

  1. Thanksgiving commits God to multiply His church Jer. 30:19; Deut. 1:11.

Our God is the God of multiplication, who takes delight in the multiplication of His people. Thanksgiving and praise will always stir God into action, and anything that God can do becomes what the believer stands to enjoy. Therefore, by our thanksgiving and praise, we move God to multiply His church.

  • Thanksgiving commits God to send His Word that stirs and sustains church growth Psa. 107:20; Acts 6:7.

The word of God is a guaranteed kingdom force that triggers the supernatural growth of the church. But it is the word that God sends of gives that has the power to bring multiplication. In thanksgiving and praise, we move God to send His word, which leads to church growth.

  • Thanksgiving commits God to add to the church such as should be saved Acts 2:46-47; 5:14.

Thanksgiving and praise does not only make God to add multitude to the church, but also to make the decision for Christ, which is really what it takes to be added into the kingdom. Therefore, thanksgiving and praise are the keys for the true growth of the church of Christ on the earth.

Any church that can give herself to thanksgiving and praise in truth and spirit, has the capacity to grow to any level. Thanksgiving and praise is what any believer can do, because we have been wired by God for this Isa. 43:21; and we the Holy Spirit given to us to empower us for it Acts 2:4,7-11. In essence, this church has what it takes to explode in growth, and I see it happen beginning with this month! Amen!!

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, pour upon us the oil of joy and gladness like never before thereby empower us for new level of thanksgiving from today Psa. 45:7.


The daily schedule for thanksgiving and praise is to be religiously observed.

Priestly Blessings.                                                      

Everything fighting against your thanksgiving and praise life is cursed now! I decree the oil of gladness is poured on your life like never before right now!

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