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Memory verse:   

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and

 more unto the perfect day.”

  • Pro. 4:18.

At redemption an ordinary and natural man who is limited to only earthly experience is transformed to a supernatural personality who is now to experience the heavenly life Col. 1:13-14. One characteristic of the heavenly life is new things per time, which will result in continuous progress in the life of the individual, who is now referred to as a new creation in Christ Isa. 43:18-19; Pro. 4:18. We need to understand that there is always the responsibility on the believer who will experience this heavenly life Matt. 11:28-29. Scriptures make us to understand thanksgiving is a core demand among the responsibilities Jer. 30:19.

How thanksgiving empowers the believer access to his next levels.

  1. Thanksgiving grants access to next levels of victory 2Chr. 20:12-17,22-24.

Scriptures make us to understand that at every level, the believer is confronted by forces commensurate to that level 1Cor. 16:9.  He must overcome the forces in order to access the next level. Thanksgiving is the covenant force that will always give the believer victory over the confrontations against his life, thereby giving him access to the next levels for his life 2Chr. 20:22-25. Many are stagnated and crying because of the forces standing against their destiny, when they should have engaged in celebrating God to see the forces cleared off their path. I therefore see every force against your life cleared off as you engage in thanksgiving from now. And you shall never suffer stagnation again!

When our thanksgiving comes from the heart genuinely to God, we have committed God to keep His hand perpetually on our lives Jer. 30:21. And the hand of God on a believer empowers him to do valiantly in life, establishing his victory over every force of opposition to grant access to his next levels of glory Psa. 118:15-16.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, the spirit of heaviness is cursed in my life now, and celebration of God and His acts become my lifestyle thereby launching me into my new levels by each day from today Isa. 61:3.


Make every force that is confronting your life your reason for celebrating God today.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Whatever force of opposition that has stood against your life is crushed right now!

Receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the life of thanksgiving and praise now!

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