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Memory verse:   

“But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself

 rather unto godliness.” 

“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto

 all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which

 is to come.”

  • 1Tim. 4:7-8.

In one of the parables of Jesus, He made us to understand that God’s kingdom to which we belong operates as a business Lk. 19:13 [AMP]. We can therefore say that working for God, which also means serving God is not just doing religious activity, rather it is being engaged in a business, the kingdom business Rms. 12:11. In every business, profit is the purpose or aim. The level of profit a business will deliver is largely determined by the capacity of the owner of the business. Kingdom business has God the owner of the heaven and the earth as the source, therefore the profit is unmatchable by any other on the earth Job 36:11. This means that serving God is a big-time business. There are different ways to serve God, but the most profitable is spiritual stewardship 1Tim. 4:8.

Channels of Spiritual Stewardship.

  1. Praying for the needs of church members.

Everyone that comes to God among other things have needs they desire to be met in their lives Mat. 11:28-29. The bible says that until we ask, we cannot receive Mat. 7:7-8. To have the needs challenging these new converts met, there is the need to place a demand in prayer Jn. 16:23-24. When these needs are met, it encourages their establishment in the faith and the church; also many more are attracted to the church Zch. 8:23; Psa. 23:6. Remember, the will of God is to see every soul that is saved abide for live Jn. 15:16. Therefore, praying for the needs of members to be met is a veritable way to serve God and the interest of His kingdom.

The scriptures make us to further understand that when we pray for others, what we make happen for them in prayer, God becomes committed to make happen for us Eph. 6:8; Job 42:11.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive fresh empowerment from the Holy Spirit for unusual soul winning business this year Acts 1:8.


Draw a schedule of weekly outreach for yourself and team, and make a decision to be committed.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for fruitful spiritual stewardship now!

You shall bring forth souls for Christ amazingly all through this year!

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