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Memory verse:   

“Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;” 

“Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”

  • Rms. 12:11-12.

We understand from the scriptures that Christ came on the earth, among other things to show us the life of God’s kingdom and how to practically live it Heb. 12:1-2. In essence, the life of Christ is to be the example every believer who desire to experience the kingdom life should follow. From the life of Jesus, serving God is not presented as having fun, a part-time or a leisure activity, but a big time business Lk. 2:49. As a business, it simply means serving God is not a mere religious activity, hobby but a profitable engagement that has no match in life 1Tim. 4:7-8. We have said that serving God is what we refer to as spiritual stewardship. The scriptures make us to understand that serving God guarantees the rise of any believer into a giant Lk. 22:25-27.

The Various Ways of Engaging in Spiritual Stewardship.

  1. Bringing people to church to meet with Christ.

This is simply inviting people to the church, but doing in it in a compelling way that will ensure they truly appear in the church for the service Lk. 14:16-23. Some believers for some reasons may not be able to preach and win souls to Christ, but anyone can invite people to the church. This affords the individuals so invited to hear the word of God, meet with Christ and make a decision to be born again. When this happens, the believer who invited them is credited as responsible for winning the soul for Christ. Remember, God’s will is that all men should be saved 1Tim. 2:4; 2Pet. 3:9. The scriptures therefore recognize unsaved men as ‘His sheep’ outside His fold that must be brought in Jn. 10:16. Therefore, bringing people into the church to have the privilege of being saved is a way we serve the interest of God and His kingdom. From scriptures we know that we are not wasting our time serving the Lord, we are rather investing into our future Mal. 3:17-18; Deu. 28:1-3.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit for an effective and fruitful soul winning lifestyle for today Acts 1:8.


Target individuals that must follow you to church next Sunday, as you believe God for their salvation in that service.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive the heart that will be tireless at seeing souls saved from today!

I decree from today multitude shall be drawn to God and His kingdom through you!


  • Okifo Peter 30-08-2022

    I thank God for what you are doing for me in respect

    • admin 31-08-2022

      To God be the glory sir. I expect your testimonies.

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