Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

by admin


Memory verse:   

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

  • Mat. 6:33.

The scriptures make us to understand that the law of seedtime and harvest is what rules life on the earth Gen. 8:22. The scriptures say categorically that as long as life on the earth exists, which means when we leave the earth what obtains might defer. In essence, on the earth our investment will determine our experience, gain and profit. Serving God is identified in scriptures as the investment with profit that covers all areas of life 1Tim. 4:7-8. The profit include things that money cannot buy like health, long life, joy, all-round rest, provision of all that makes for life and godliness etc Exo. 23:25-27; 2Chr. 15:12,15; Mat. 6:33. But serving God must become a business to us for it to deliver the profits Rms. 12:11. This seems to be the missing link in many believers’ life today.

The different ways of serving God.

  1. Looking after the wellbeing of others.

We understand from scriptures that a father has the responsibility to care for all members of the family 1Tim. 5:8. God is the Father of all living, with the responsibility of caring for their wellbeing including animals, plants and all creatures Eph. 4:6; Mat. 6:25-32. When we take up the responsibility of caring for men by going after their wellbeing, we are doing service to God our Father. It is why the scriptures command the believer to do good to all men, particularly to members of the family of God Gal. 6:10. Further, we understand from scriptures that he that gives to the poor shall not lack in life Pro. 28:27; 19:17; Mat. 25:40. When the believer is therefore committed to the wellbeing of others, he is entitled to supernatural returns that will make his life glorious Psa. 41:1-3; Eph. 6:8.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me by the Holy Spirit for effective and productive kingdom advancement engagement lifestyle from now Acts 1:8.


Identify individuals in your home cell with physical need, and attend to it with your means.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree the heart to pursue after the wellbeing of others is imparted to you now!

Your name shall never be mentioned among the poor and needy from today!


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