Memory verse:
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
New birth brings the believer into a life of great profit, but His understanding of kingdom matters is what determines his actual experience Jn. 10:10; Psa. 119:144. Every believer that truly desires a profitable kingdom life must see and embrace the service of God as a big time business Lk. 2:49; Job 36:11. Serving God is not mere religious or leisure activity, but a business. Remember, a business is any activity that brings increase, profit and gain; not necessarily monetary but enhanced life. There is no activity a man can engage in on the earth that will match the gain serving God offers Exo. 23:25-27. Every believer need this understanding to have the right approach to kingdom service, which will result in profitable kingdom life.
The different ways of serving God.
The scriptures make us to understand that one way we serve God and kingdom interest is by bringing people to church Lk. 14:16-23; Jn. 10:16. One may not be able or know how to preach to the unsaved for them to experience new birth, but anyone can invite others to the church. When such people come to church, they have the opportunity of hearing the word of God and make a decision for Christ Jn. 1:41-46; Mk. 16:15. This is counted for the believer as soul winning by heaven. Our testimonies and those of others shared in the church are the tools that make invitation effective in getting people to respond Jn. 4:48. In essence, we are not wasting our time serving the Lord; rather we are investing into our future Deu. 28:1; Mal. 3:17-18.
Jesus is Lord!
Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me by the Holy Spirit for effective and productive kingdom advancement engagement lifestyle from now Acts 1:8.
Target minimum of five people to invite, and get them to church next Sunday.
Priestly Blessings.
I decree the release of fresh grace for tireless kingdom service on you now!
Everyone you invite from now shall follow you to church and shall encounter Christ!