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Memory verse:   

“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”

“This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.”

  • 1Tim. 4:8-9.

Salvation is not an introduction into a religion or church, it is an initiation into a new life referred to in scriptures as eternal or abundant life Jn. 3:16-17; 10:10. But the scriptures make us to understand that salvation is also a call into the life of service Lk. 22:25-27. It is how well a believer serves that will determine how much of the abundant life he will experience Job 36:11. This places a demand on the believer to understand the ways of maximizing our service for God.

Understanding the ways to engage in profitable kingdom service.

There are those who serve God yet are struggling in life. Often, this is as a result of being active but not serving. How do we ensure we are not just active but serving?

  1. We serve God by follow up of our converts.

The believer is recognized as fruitful when his soul abide in the faith Jn. 15:1-2,16. For our converts to abide there is the demand to continue to encourage them in the faith, and see that they get into certain things that will enhance their establishment. These are; go through the Believer’s Foundation Class Heb. 6:1, belong to Winners; Satellite Fellowship Acts 2:46, become active in a unit, attend every church service Exo. 23:25etc. All of these is to enable them develop the foundation essential to become established in the faith Psa. 11:3.


In conclusion, we must remember that God does not reward groups; He rewards individuals 1Cor. 3:8. Therefore, we must never be tired or see it as a waste of our time going after our converts; we are securing our glorious destiny.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive fresh release of grace for steadfastness in kingdom service to my point of profit Zch. 4:7.


Go after every convert of this year to ensure they are established in the faith.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree that none of our converts for this year shall be lost!

Through every convert of this year, multitude shall be drawn to Christ and this church!1


  • Matthew Dabonyan 21-09-2023

    I’m bless with your teachings sir, more grace sir.

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