Memory verse:
“When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:”
“But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.” – Lk. 11:21-22.
Every warfare is a product of clash of interest; in a bit to have one’s interest stand, one has to enforce it through a fight. Scriptures make us to understand that God created man to give Him pleasure Rev. 4:11; Isa. 43:21. At the same time, Satan is interested in having every man serve and please him Matt. 4:8-9. To get any man to make the decision for Christ, it requires that Satan’s interest be overcome and this calls for warfare Lk. 11:21-22. This is why soul winning is warfare not just a religious activity!
Remember, the task of reconciling men to God is the believer’s responsibility Jn. 15:16. Therefore, only the believer that will give it a warfare approach that will be effective at it. What we need is to understand the scriptural strategy to win the war and engage same.
The Bible-way to Triumph in the Warfare of Soul Winning.
Jesus said it explicitly that every disciple that will be an effective witness of Him, must be endue with power from on high. This is by simply acknowledging our need for power and ask for it.
It is in the place of prayer that we wrestle with God to dislodge every devil that wants to lay claim to any of our target and convert. For prayer to be effective, one vital requirement is being specific. This is why we have to mention their names to God in our prayers.
We must understand one attribute of the enemy we are dealing with in this warfare, the devil. And it is that he will not give up easily, even when he is cast out, he goes about and attempts to return back Matt. 12:43-44; Lk. 12:24. We must continue in our engagement in prayer until we see that the convert is established as an over-comer in Christ.
Prayer investment is a vital demand every believer that desires to be effective in soul winning must make. I see you deliver beyond the minimum 4-established souls in this prophetic season.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, I take authority over every force of the darkness that is out to bind the mind of everyone ordained for salvation in this on-going Operation who is on the Lord’s Side, and cause the light of God to shine in their heart now resulting in the salvation of all 2Cor. 4:3-4.
Draw a new schedule of prayer investment towards your successful delivery in this operation.
Priestly Blessings.
Receive now a fresh baptism of the Spirit of grace and supplication to see all your targets delivered as disciples of Christ in this prophetic season!
I see your reward for this season fully delivered turning you the envy of all!