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Memory verse:   

“Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon: behold, I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess it, and contend with him in battle.”

  • Deu. 2:24.

The salvation of souls is God’s priority, and the heart of kingdom activity on the earth Jn. 3;16; Mat. 6:33. Just as God is interested in the souls of men, so also the devil has interest. Satan’s interest is to see men kept in darkness from gaining access to the glorious light of the gospel, thereby keeping them in sin and ungodliness 2Cor. 4:4. In essence, there is contention on the soul of men between God and the powers of darkness. This makes soul winning to be warfare, and until this war is won by the believer, every effort made to see souls saved might be futile Lk. 11:21-22.

How to win the war and be effective in soul winning.

  1. It takes enduement of power to be effective in soul winning.

God’s power is what it takes to silence the devil and the powers of darkness Psa. 66:3,7. In essence, with God’s power, the believer gains authority over the devil for effectiveness in soul winning Acts 1:8; Lk. 9:1.

  • Engage the prayer altar for those targeted for salvation.

On the prayer altar, the believer generates the power it takes to break the hold of the forces of darkness holding men captive in sin Acts 4:31-33. When this is done, the unsaved is released and translated into the kingdom of light Col. 1:12-13.

  • Engage the prayer altar to stop our converts from going back.

Satan has the nature of always attempting to return back to wherever he was driven out Mat. 12:43-45. Hence when a soul is saved, we must keep praying for the individual to envelop him with the power of God that will prevent the return of the power of darkness he was delivered from. This is the only way to make the new convert abide in God Gal. 4:19; Col. 4:12.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive strength of the Holy Spirit for warfare in my soul winning endeavor thereby making me supernaturally fruitful from today Acts. 1:8.


Pray for every soul you have targeted in this harvest season for their salvation.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every of your targeted soul for this harvest season shall be saved and come to church!

This shall be your most spiritual season thus far in your Christian walk!

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