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Memory verse:   

 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.”

  • Mat. 13:44.

The scriptures likened operations in God’s kingdom to one who finds a treasure, and sold all he had to acquire this treasure Mat. 13:44. In essence, the treasure is of greater worth than all that the individual possesses. After the acquisition, the treasure will produce much more than all that the individual sold to acquire it. From scriptures, we have established that soul winning is the treasure of the kingdom, which has greater worth than everything the believer may possess Mat. 16:26. Therefore, to succeed at soul winning will demand of the believer the investment of his resources to see the unsaved receive Christ and become established in the church and faith. In return, his commitment will produce much more than whatever he has invested into winning the souls.

The Worth of Soul Winning that makes it a Treasure.

  1. Soul winning invokes God to continually manifest in the believer’s life.

One thing that is at the center of God’s heart is the salvation of men Jn. 3:16. Loving what God loves is a clear indication of love for God Jn. 21:15-17. When we do, God continues to manifest Himself in the life of that believer Jn. 14:21.

  • Soul winning empowers the believer for triumphant living.

Soul winning imparts with the virtue of boldness; this is because soul winning secures divine presence, which fuels boldness Mat. 28:18-20. And boldness is the secret of triumph in life Acts 4:13: 14:3.

  • Soul winning is a covenant platform for the rise of giants.

The scriptures make us to understand that soul winning has the capacity to turn any dummy into a star that will shine forever Dan. 12:3. In essence, no matter the story of the believer, when he commits to soul winning he is guaranteed to emerge in greatness Pro. 11:30; 3:5.

We can therefore conclude that the demand of soul winning is the wisdom. It will empower the believer to live larger than life.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, deliver me from everything that makes we weak and lazy at soul winning, thereby turning me to an sharp instrument for effective harvest of souls into the kingdom from now Isa. 41:15.


Get to the field and win more souls for Jesus.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Your days of begging to live are over forever!

The grace to be a committed and excited soul winner is released right now!


  • Winifred Ephraim 17-06-2022

    I love your teachings Sir, I’m always so blessed.
    God bless you Sir

    • admin 17-06-2022

      All the glory to the Sweet Holy Spirit.
      I appreciate the feedback sir. And I long to hear testimonies from you sir.

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